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Chris Rea: The Road To Hell, Music Video, 1989 IMDB

Pictures provided by: wickey

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stronghold EN

2006-08-17 01:07

..Seem's you only have british & german cars ..on the 'Road to hell' .!! :D

wickey SK

2006-08-17 01:23


Alexander DE

2006-08-17 01:35

If you like to get there fast you take the Porsche, if you rather take a detour use the Range Rover! :)

stronghold EN

2006-08-17 10:34

Alexander wrote If you like to get there fast you take the Porsche, if you rather take a detour use the Range Rover! :) would have to be the detour for me.! ;)

verbruetheet LU

2017-10-23 19:02

here are some wheels which do not belong to any car otherwise pictured, and which i cant identify:

[Image: unidedwheeltrims.jpg]

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