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SAAB Suite, Short Movie, 1987

Pictures provided by: Weasel1984

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Also known as:

  • Ballet in 3 acts for 8 SAAB 9000 Turbo

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Comments about this movie

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CarChasesFanatic ES

2006-12-22 21:27

hmm nice video but should we really list it? its not really a short movie :/

antp BE

2006-12-22 21:29

It is rather a commercial video. I like it too, but I do not know if it has its place here...
Note that BMW short movies are also commercial, but they are made by known directors and listed on IMDB.

-- Last edit: 2006-12-22 21:29:40

Weasel1984 PL

2006-12-22 21:29

carchasesfanatic wrote ... its not really a short movie :/

Well I think that it is, for sure it isn't a typical advert.
Anyway I can delete it, but we have here a pics from videos which aren't even a real movies (according to a movie definition).

-- Last edit: 2006-12-22 21:35:47

antp BE

2006-12-22 21:37

For me it can stay (as it has SAABs :love:) but then we will have to also add the Audi commercial-like video that Walter sent in the forum...
Btw, you didn't had a better video as source for pictures? I think I had a video of a higher size, I'll have to check.

CarChasesFanatic ES

2006-12-22 21:38

the thing is that this isnt a short movie cause theres no argument and because it is an advert, anyway which ones do you mean weasel1984?

Weasel1984 PL

2006-12-22 21:41

carchasesfanatic wrote the thing is that this isnt a short movie cause theres no argument and because it is an advert...

Why it isn't a short movie? :D
carchasesfanatic wrote ... anyway which ones do you mean weasel1984?

Some music videos.

CarChasesFanatic ES

2006-12-22 21:42

Yes but music videos is a category acepted here, adverts are not ;)

Weasel1984 PL

2006-12-22 21:43

antp wrote Btw, you didn't had a better video as source for pictures? I think I had a video of a higher size, I'll have to check.

Unfortunately not.


2006-12-22 21:48

Don't delete it.

It's a truly wonderful short film.

CarChasesFanatic ES

2006-12-22 21:51

If we start like this in a future we'll have long discussions about wether we have to add a video or not, a short movie its not only a short videoclip of whatever it is, its like a movie, with an argument, a script, actors (not necesarilly always) and this only showed the cars driving arround, its short of length but that doesnt mean it is clasified as short movie :)

Weasel1984 PL

2006-12-22 21:51

carchasesfanatic wrote Yes but music videos is a category acepted here, adverts are not ;)

We can list it as music video. :p
No, as I've already said, I can delete it.

antp BE

2006-12-22 21:57

carchasesfanatic wrote Yes but music videos is a category acepted here, adverts are not ;)

Well, music videos are accepted just because we decided that they are :p
We can, case by case, decide if a video is considered as a short movie or not.
For this one I do not know. It is not just a TV advertising. It is a promotional/commercial short movie.

garco NL

2006-12-22 21:57

Please delete it, and all music video's... :)

CarChasesFanatic ES

2006-12-22 21:58

Promotional/commercional adverts arent called short movies ;)

antp BE

2006-12-22 21:59

carchasesfanatic wrote Promotional/commercional adverts arent called short movies ;)

What about the BMW short movies then? If that's not promotional, what is it? :p And what defines a "short movie"?

-- Last edit: 2006-12-22 22:00:03

CarChasesFanatic ES

2006-12-22 22:05

BMW are short movies as they have a plot actors and a scrip, and although BMw id them with the purpose of showing BMW models they are more than adverts, well they actually arent adverts, they are short movies wih the BMW as "main characters", really, this is not a short movie at all.

antp BE

2006-12-22 22:09

There is more plot in this "not a short movie" than in some blockbuster movies :whistle:

-- Last edit: 2006-12-22 22:09:18

Weasel1984 PL

2006-12-22 22:10

It is a movie (short or not it isn't important - it is only a time), the most important thing is a construction. To have a real movie we need at least 3 acts - this movie has them.

CarChasesFanatic ES

2006-12-22 22:10

Well up to you, you rule you decide, but if you are interested in my opinion, this should not be added

And no weasel, its not a movie

-- Last edit: 2006-12-22 22:13:51

Weasel1984 PL

2006-12-22 22:16

carchasesfanatic wrote And no weasel, its not a movie

:D --> :p ;)

-- Last edit: 2006-12-22 22:17:16

wickey SK

2006-12-22 22:17

LOL this probably does not have its place here.. I vote for deleting (but i still love it)

CarChasesFanatic ES

2006-12-22 22:17


antp BE

2006-12-22 22:20

Let's vote: :D

Star Wars Fanatic EN

2006-12-22 23:10

For better shots of the Saabs, you might want to consider one of the Clarkson movies I added recently, as it contained exerts from it:


landrover1 AR

2006-12-23 02:02

where i can download this advertising?
i download many advertisings but i dont sent the pics

Weasel1984 PL

2006-12-23 02:44

landrover1 wrote where i can download this advertising?

-- Last edit: 2006-12-23 03:33:52

landrover1 AR

2006-12-23 23:54

Weasel1984 wrote

thanks alot for the link
by the way check this site


2006-12-24 14:50

Oh great, now I can add all my GS and GSA commercials :D ;)

antp BE

2006-12-24 15:08

This was not a 20-second commercial shown on TV :p

Raul1983 FI

2006-12-27 21:51

so what's your verdict, antp ? ;)

antp BE

2006-12-27 23:51

6 vs 6 :/
But we have more admin & regular members than that...

walter IT

2007-04-10 20:02

Then you can list also "The other side of the road" who I sent, who it's a short movie, directed by Wim Wenders.
If you list Bmw and Saab's short commercials movies, you can list also this A3 movie. :p ;)

walter IT

2007-04-22 17:52

Well? :??:

antp BE

2007-04-22 18:55

Well what? The short movie that you sent? Was it on the forum? Can you please repost the link? ;) (or post a message in it to make it appear at the top of the list)

-- Last edit: 2007-04-22 18:56:20

Alexander DE

2007-04-22 20:50

antp wrote 6 vs 6 :/
But we have more admin & regular members than that...

I missed the discussion but would like to add my comment all the same.

This and similar films have more car action than a lot of movies listed here. Therefore I would like to see such films here, too. But we have to avoid that modern commercials are being posted, possibly even deliberately by the companies themselves.

My idea is to include a new category called 'Historic Commercial'. To be accepted such films have to have an age of, for example, 20 years minimum. Exceptions can be made for artistically valuable film, like this one. We should implement the rule that visible cars should no longer be available at the dealer's.

What do you say? Comments, please.

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-04-22 21:12

I would not include this video though

antp BE

2007-04-22 23:09

Alexander wrote
What do you say? Comments, please.

I am not sure that the car must especially be old for being included. I'd say that what is important is rather the length of the video, to exclude the real commercial videos shown on TV etc. We should also exclude videos made exclusively to sell the car (e.g. I think to a Subaru DVD that I have where they simply present all their models), but "artistic" (as you said, or this one) or "short movie" videos are more acceptable. By "short movie" I think to BMW's movies or the one with the Tatra: /movie_1214133-Stastnou-Cestu.html

When you say "This and similar films have more car action than a lot of movies listed here", I would say that they are also probably quite valuable for the site, even if not really "movies" (though that for me this is to be considered as a short movie like many others that are listed here and/or on IMDB).

-- Last edit: 2007-04-22 23:13:02

garco NL

2007-04-23 16:25

I think we should list anything if it has an IMDB-number.
So get rid of the music video's please...

antp BE

2007-04-23 18:01

I do not agree.
There are many old foreign movies that do not have an IMDB number.
And some things have an IMDB number and not much interest for our site (and not only video games).
About music videos, I do not know why they are not on IMDB: many movie directors also make/made music videos, and the singers that perform in these videos are already listed on IMDB anyway.

For example, do you prefer to list vehicles from a music video, or vehicles that appear in last year MTV Music Awards?
First one may be like a short movie, with a story and interesting vehicles, but not on IMDB.
Second one is just a TV show, without plot/story/scenario, probably nothing rare/interesting as vehicles (maybe some limousines seen when singers arrive to the show), but it is on IMDB.

-- Last edit: 2007-04-23 18:03:10

garco NL

2007-04-23 20:02

Movies can be listed allways (even if they don't have an IMCDB-number).

But I agree with you that a music video is more important than the MTV-award show. I just think that music video's don't belong here, in a couple of years there are more music videos than movies...

-- Last edit: 2007-04-23 20:02:51

dudley UK

2007-04-27 21:29

Alexander wrote
I missed the discussion but would like to add my comment all the same.

This and similar films have more car action than a lot of movies listed here. Therefore I would like to see such films here, too. But we have to avoid that modern commercials are being posted, possibly even deliberately by the companies themselves.

My idea is to include a new category called 'Historic Commercial'. To be accepted such films have to have an age of, for example, 20 years minimum. Exceptions can be made for artistically valuable film, like this one. We should implement the rule that visible cars should no longer be available at the dealer's.

What do you say? Comments, please.

This makes sense, for this Saab film, whether ad, promotional film or film proper, is an important car movie. So are Jamaroquoi's videos for the same reason. Arguably, some ads, like Tony Scott's Saab commercial that landed him 'Top Gun', are important car movies too, although I am biased as I write TV ads for a living!

Incidentally, 'Mission Zero', in my opinion, is a 480-second commercial that's secured an IMDB listing somehow.

Plus, '100 Greatest TV Ads' is also listed on IMDB - are the handful of cars in that show allowed to be listed?!


2009-12-29 01:18

Goodbye Saab. I will miss you. :(

rjluna2 US

2009-12-29 02:19

Me too :cry:

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