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Citroën Nanterre, Documentary, 1968

Pictures provided by: sixcyl

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DynaMike NL

2010-01-19 11:55

sixcyl FR

2010-01-19 12:06

Bien vu le lien! ;)

sixcyl FR

2010-01-19 13:19

[Image: 216032-DU COTE DES OUVRIERS.jpg]
From DVD set Le cinéma de Mai 68 - Vol.1 Une histoire

Chap.4 Du coté des ouvriers
[Image: 216034-CITROEN NANTERRE 2.jpg] [Image: 216035-CITROEN NANTERRE 3.jpg] [Image: 216036-CITROEN NANTERRE 4.jpg]

[Image: 216037-PAYSAGE AA.jpg] [Image: 216038-PAYSAGE AB.jpg] [Image: 216041-PAYSAGE GA.jpg] [Image: 216039-PAYSAGE BB.jpg] [Image: 216042-PAYSAGE HA.jpg] [Image: 216040-PAYSAGE FA.jpg]

[Image: 216043-PAYSAGE EA.jpg] [Image: 216044-PAYSAGE DA.jpg] [Image: 216045-PAYSAGE DB.jpg] [Image: 216047-PAYSAGE DC.jpg]

[Image: 216048-COM BA.jpg]
Main leaders of students movement, from left to right: Alain Geismar / Jacques Sauvageot / Daniel Cohn-Bendit

[Image: 216049-COM FA.jpg]
Les accords de Grenelle between Pompidou's Government and main Trade-Unions... beginning of the end of the revolution process attempt.

international context (vietnam war...)
[Image: 216050-COM EA.jpg] [Image: 216051-COM DA.jpg]

Aircrafts in this film at:
Link to ""

-- Last edit: 2010-12-14 00:34:17

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