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Mick et Arthur, Short Movie, 1965

Pictures provided by: sixcyl

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sixcyl FR

2010-04-26 20:02

[Image: 238321-MICK.jpg]

Non listed in IMDB, it's the first short-film of swiss director Michel Soutter.

As always with pictures from countries having no local car industry, there is a good variety of european and american cars, though many are in backgroud.

Genève, and Lac Léman with genuine wheels motion boats (not like fake steamers of Mississipi River :D )
[Image: 238326-PAYS_AC.jpg]

and some swiss-girls
[Image: 238322-COM_AA.jpg] [Image: 238323-COM_AC.jpg] [Image: 238324-COM_BB.jpg]

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