Author | Message |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2011-02-11 23:02 |
Dokumentarec, ki nam prikazuje kaj se je dogajalo med tisto desetdnevno vojno v letu 1991. Slovenska osamosvojitvena vojna ali vojna za Slovenijo, znana tudi kot desetdnevna vojna ter operetna vojna, je bila vojna, s katero je Republika Slovenija med 27. junijem in 7. julijem 1991 odbila napad Jugoslavije, s tem pa potrdila svojo neodvisnost od SFRJ. To je bil prvi oboroženi spopad v Evropi po drugi svetovni vojni. Vojna za Slovenijo se je začela ob 1.15 ponoči, ko je protiletalska oklepna baterija JLA pri Metliki prestopila državno mejo. Ob 2.40 je iz vojašnice na Vrhniki proti letališču Brnik krenil 1. oklepni bataljon.Kolono oklepnikov, ki je prodirala skozi Belo krajino, je sestavljalo 12 bojnih oklepnih vozil s tricevnimi protiletalskimi topovi 20 mm in več tovornjakov. Ustavila jih je barikada v Pogancih. V stopnjevanju napetosti med pripadniki Teritorialne obrambe in vojaki so padli prvi streli. Ob 10.30 je kolona odpeljala proti Ljubljani, vendar jo je ob 15.45 ustavila zapora na cesti pri Medvedjeku... -- Last edit: 2011-02-11 23:12:22 |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2011-02-12 00:22 |
-- Last edit: 2011-02-20 04:19:26 |
◊ 2011-02-12 05:27 |
Why are your screenshots all different sizes? And do you know Slovenian or did you watch the whole thing just to capture cars? (a noble goal ) |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2011-02-12 06:26 |
For the thumbnails the size? ah, its not very important, but for the images are the same size, sure. And yes, this the video in YT. This documentary shows us something happened during that ten-day war in 1991. Slovenian War of Independence or the War for Slovenia, also known as the ten-day war and operetna war was a war in which the Republic of Slovenia from 27 June and 7 July 1991, refused to attack Yugoslavia, and thus confirmed its independence from Yugoslavia. This was the first armed conflict in Europe since the Second World War. The war in Slovenia was opened at 1:15 at night when the armored anti-aircraft battery in the Army Metliki crossing the state border. At 2:40 in the barracks at the airport Brnik Vrhniki walked first bataljon.Kolono armored armored vehicles that broke through the white landscape consisted of 12 armored vehicles with anti-aircraft guns tricevnimi 20 mm and more trucks. They were stopped by a barricade in Pogancih. The escalation of tension between members of the Territorial Defence and the soldiers were killed the first shots. At 10:30 the column drove to Ljubljana, but was stopped at 15.45 'imprisonment on the road at Medvedjek ... -- Last edit: 2011-02-12 06:32:46 |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2011-02-12 20:30 |
Done all pictures |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2011-02-14 15:40 |
Other names: 10-day war in Slovenia Images for the documental are from PTB and Yutel: Related with: More info: -- Last edit: 2011-02-14 15:48:47 |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2011-02-14 16:00 |
Locations: Ljubljana, Slovenia. Language: Slovenian. Country: Slovenia. Keywords: Slovenija na barikadah Vojna za Slovenijo Slovenska osamosvojitvena vojna desetdnevna operetna 2006 1991 slovenian independence war Slovenia Release: 2006 Color: Color. |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2011-02-15 05:37 |
Director: Jože Cegnar Watch at 14 16 Tatjana Kardelj-producer Aspect ratio 4:3 |
◊ 2011-02-20 03:45 |
Documentaries that have nothing to do with cars aren't great contributions. And I think the rule was 'no background cars in documentaries', not 'mostly background cars in documentaries'. |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2011-02-20 03:59 |
And what??? not a common cars, what you not understand? If they continue like this, I will censor ALL that i added? Do not bother to see what kind of car is, apparently, as also, you answered TOO LATE. |
◊ 2011-02-20 04:05 |
I only just looked at this, but the fact that it takes weeks to get approved (with a dozen admins) should tell you something. -- Last edit: 2011-02-20 04:09:25 |
◊ 2011-02-20 19:11 |
I validated it, minus a few... Don't take youtube as source next time but illegal downloads like everybody else. |
◊ 2011-02-20 19:48 |
and how did you know that was taken from youtube? don´t bother asking about the origin of the film |
◊ 2011-02-20 21:28 |
I'm glad to see this was validated. I'm half Slovenian, although my ancestors left shortly after WWII and well before independence and I only know a few words of the language. |
◊ 2011-02-20 23:02 |
The original Ellis Island records are available online if you're interested in genealogy. @carobserver: "don't bother" reading the previous posts... |
◊ 2011-02-20 23:14 |
As CougarTim lives in Virginia, it's not too far for him, to go to Ellis Island by himself If he would do that, maybe he has the chance to check the encouraging junkyards on that way, especially that one northwards of Philadelphia |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2011-02-20 23:48 |
Okay many thanks. But not all Youtube-videos are fake, illegal or other similars. In my case, i try to use the DVD/CD or the TV captures. Its better, easy and smart |
◊ 2011-02-21 00:15 |
Unfortunately, Ellis Island's online records only go up to 1924. One of my relatives did look into it once, though. They came over on the General Blatchford if I recall correctly. Fortunately, I already have a pretty good idea of my ancestry. When we went to Slovenia last year we even visited the town where my grandfather grew up. We also tried unsuccessfully to find the village where my grandmother grew up; it has a name that means "Chicken Town" - probably not named after the family recipe for fried chicken but you never know. |
Gomselmash11 ◊ 2011-02-21 00:21 |
Good CougarTim, in the case of my grandmother, she comes for Yugoslavia before the II World War. She was born in Split (or Spalato, in italian). In this moment, my cousin studies croatian in Zagreb. |