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The Imperial Airway - The Work of the British Airways, Documentary, 1928

Pictures provided by: sixcyl

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sixcyl FR

2011-09-13 13:25


Documentary of the British Air Ministry explaining organisation and techniques involved to provided efficiency and safety for an air flight in the 1920's.

[Image: 484056AVIONTHEIMPDE.jpg] [Image: 221095AVIONTHEIMPDS.jpg] [Image: 518730AVIONTHEIMPDV.jpg]
In an Handley-Page W8B.

[Image: 196279THEIMPPAYSAA.jpg] [Image: 362862THEIMPPAYSAB.jpg] [Image: 192492THEIMPPAYSAC.jpg] [Image: 479766THEIMPPAYSAE.jpg] [Image: 311590THEIMPPAYSAF.jpg] [Image: 584770THEIMPPAYSAR.jpg] [Image: 901892THEIMPPAYSAP.jpg] [Image: 908946THEIMPPAYSAT.jpg]
Croydon Airport.

[Image: 529659THEIMPPAYSAH.jpg] [Image: 450611THEIMPPAYSAJ.jpg] [Image: 468554THEIMPPAYSAM.jpg]
Time gain arguments versus the Railway (+Ship) is some destinations.

-- Last edit: 2011-09-13 19:26:54

antp BE

2011-09-13 16:10

And as always for documentaries not on IMDB some info should be provided...

Also, as these are not listed on IMDB, there is no real point of listing these separately: one entry for all the "The Imperial Airway" would be enough (using episode numbers).

-- Last edit: 2011-09-14 17:52:54

sixcyl FR

2011-10-01 17:26

Aircrafts seen in this film at:
Link to ""

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