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Dale Days, Documentary, 1942-1949

Pictures provided by: dsl

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dsl SX

2014-02-17 14:26

[Image: title.36.jpg] [Image: title2.4.jpg]
Film collection by Charles Chislett (a bank manager from Rotherham, Yorkshire) of holidays and trips to the Yorkshire Dales in 1940s. No imbd reference, but released on 43 minute DVD -
[Image: dalesdvdcoverjpeg.jpg]
with some extracts also on Yorkshire Film Archive - , , with reference to a longer 63 minute version. All my captures (and timings) are from the 43 minute DVD, which has a modern voice-over with some details. Claimed to be possibly the first colour footage in Yorkshire by an amateur, most is 1940/1942 family holiday(s), plus a small extract from 1949, and a few miscellaneous snowy sequences (maybe 1947??). Very evocative of its time - apart from kids frolicking in fields, wood and rivers, there's several castles, waterfalls, farming bits, making Wensleydale cheese etc.

[Image: 00-45kidscar.jpg]

Probably unidentifiable?? (but feel free to prove me wrong):
[Image: 03-11truck.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2014-06-08 01:05:14

chris40 UK

2014-02-17 15:18

The rear view of the truck could be anything, but the pedal car is unmistakeably Lines Bros (aka Triang).

-- Last edit: 2014-06-08 01:05:36 (dsl)

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