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Opel - Automobile für Jedermann, Documentary, 2011

Pictures provided by: Robi

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Robi DE

2015-01-29 01:56

Documentary completed, this one tells the story of Opel.
Link to ""

I made a mistake, could someone please change the movie title to "Opel - Automobile für Jedermann" ?

-- Last edit: 2015-01-29 02:02:00

chicomarx BE

2015-02-01 02:52

English aka title "Opel - Purveyors of dreary motoring for the masses"

Leoz EN

2015-02-01 15:17

chicomarx wrote English aka title "Opel - Purveyors of dreary motoring for the masses"

They're still working on translating and photoshopping the badges for the Vauxhall doc! :lol:

Sandie SX

2015-02-01 15:21

I believe that one will be called Vauxhall: Rental Cars for Everyone.

-- Last edit: 2015-02-01 15:22:28

cl82 DE

2015-02-01 19:24

Absolutely true, but when did you last see a rental car made by Rootes/Chrysler UK?


2015-02-01 19:54

leoz wrote

They're still working on translating and photoshopping the badges for the Vauxhall doc! :lol:

And on doing a horizontal flip of the images too :lol:

-- Last edit: 2015-02-01 19:55:04

Ingo DE

2015-02-01 19:58

AleX_DJ wrote And on doing a horizontal flip of the images too :lol:

No kidding, this was the common way by Volkswagen to create the sales brochures for left traffic countries! It was absolutely terrible! I have a plenty of them in my collection: every UK-brochure is a pain in the ass... [:kiki]


2015-02-01 21:21

Here's an idea for a Top Gear challenge: "Vauxhall, has it ever produced a good car?"

Gamer DE

2015-02-01 22:13


-- Last edit: 2015-02-01 22:13:20

dsl SX

2015-02-01 23:02

Viva GT, VX 4/90s, Firenza Dropsnoot and Sportshatch, Chevette HS ......

Ingo DE

2015-02-02 09:17

Kowalski wrote Here's an idea for a Top Gear challenge: "Vauxhall, has it ever produced a good car?"

Well, the Opel-derivates are o.k., reliable and some are, as my Vauxhall Vectra MkII, made in Germany.


2015-02-02 13:24

I could see Clarkon buying a Senator 24v, May a Cavalier Mk1 and Hammond an Astra GTE 16v Mk2. However a quick search on the internet shows that's impossible to buy any of these cars for less than £1,000. You can buy an Omega Elite 3.0 for less than £1,000, but a Senator 24v? Fat chance.

Leoz EN

2015-02-03 02:39

As easy and as fun as it is to laugh at Vauxhall/Opel/GM products in general, having known many a Vauxhall owner and driven a few, they really aren't too bad. Or at least more modern examples (anything made after 2009/'10) are better-built and quite decent to drive (the Adam is quite a fun-handling car!). Plus, seeing an '80s Vauxhall - may it be an Astra MK1/MK2, Cavalier MK2 (although they're mostly extinct!), MK3, Calibra, Senator, Carlton, Belmont, even an old Nova... All give me a warm feeling inside as they were everywhere in the '90s through early-mid '00s, when I was younger. :love: :king:

The first car I ever rode in was an '84 Astra MK1. Barely a decade old, it had already badly rusted around the sills and door frames, but at least mechanically - it was relatively reliable (no break-downs, if I recall). I have a friend with a 1st generation ('93/'94) Corsa that has done a huge amount of miles and still drives quite smoothly(!) :think:

The Zafira, though... Yuck! Despite being a strict atheist, I pray that I NEVER have to own a people carrier/MPV one day!!!!!! :p

Sandie SX

2015-02-03 03:00

There has been many decent Vauxhalls over the years. I mean who can forget greats like the Albany, the Arena, the Monterey, the Signum and the Sintra?

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johnfromstaffs EN

2015-02-03 09:09

RosemaryfromStaffs had a 1997 Corsa from 2000 until last year, when it passed on to the grandson of my friend, who needed transport to work. It had some welding on the chassis two years ago, but, apart from a new water pump and cam belt/ tensioner in 2013 the mechanics have never been touched. Other Vauxhalls I have had are a 1957 Victor F Series 1 which lasted about 18 months before collapsing with rust, (it was already ten years old when I bought it for £110), a 1989 Astra Estate SXI, written off in a crash when a car pulled out of a side turning without looking, and a 1992 Cavalier 1.7 TDI, which was totally reliable for 96,000 miles. JuliafromStaffs, our daughter, has a 2012 Zafira Tourer to transport her four children around. So far, so good. Vauxhalls are, on balance, reliable and provide good value for money. (But I'll stick with my Mercedes).

-- Last edit: 2015-02-03 14:08:50

fontheking5 SE

2015-02-03 10:52

Opel , Der Scheiße Auto :)

Gamer DE

2015-02-03 11:46

Das Scheißauto. ;)

-- Last edit: 2017-05-13 22:01:45

Gamer DE

2015-05-07 16:15

In 2005 or 2006, we had leased an Opel Vectra C Caravan from Europcar. Not bad actually...

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