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Dromex w Iraku, Documentary, 1987

Pictures provided by: Weasel1984

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Weasel1984 PL

2018-04-04 20:00

[Image: drosmall.jpg]
Ca 1987 doc. about the construction of Iraqi highway "1", section Nasirija-Rumaila built by the Polish company Dromex. One of the very many Polish contracts in the Middle East in 1970s and 1980s - today somewhat legendary period from this point of view, interesting to see what equipment they took there.
Film's related article (PL).

Random traffic truck and bus from Iraq [*]:
[Image: 0drwi3.jpg] [Image: 0drwi4.jpg]

Other construction site's equipment
[*] and [*][*]:
[Image: wdd.jpg] [Image: zdzwigsamoro.jpg]

[Image: y.jpg] [Image: ste14914.jpg]
mike962 wrote pavers cannot be ID if there is no proper shot of the chassis

Benoto piling, but not sure if with some wheeled chassis [*][*]:
[Image: benoto.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2018-04-17 21:06:34

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