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IAA 1969, Documentary, 1969

Pictures provided by: sixcyl

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sixcyl FR

2019-11-11 17:35

[Image: iaa69aa.jpg] [Image: iaa69ab.jpg] [Image: iaa69ac.jpg] [Image: iaa69ad.jpg] [Image: iaa69ae.jpg] [Image: iaa69af.jpg]
[Image: iaa69ba.jpg] [Image: iaa69ca.jpg] [Image: iaa69cb.jpg] [Image: iaa69cc.jpg] [Image: iaa69cd.jpg] [Image: iaa69ce.jpg] [Image: iaa69cf.jpg] [Image: iaa69cg.jpg] [Image: iaa69ch.jpg] [Image: iaa69ci.jpg] [Image: iaa69cj.jpg] [Image: iaa69ck.jpg] [Image: iaa69cl.jpg] [Image: iaa69cm.jpg] [Image: iaa69cn.jpg] [Image: iaa69co.jpg] [Image: iaa69cp.jpg] [Image: iaa69cq.jpg] [Image: iaa69cr.jpg] [Image: iaa69cs.jpg]

sixcyl FR

2019-11-11 18:19

Background cars:

[Image: austinaa.jpg]

[Image: aus1100aa.3.jpg]
White Austin 1100 in the background.

[Image: autounionaa.1.jpg] [Image: bmwaa.8.jpg] [Image: fiataa.jpg] [Image: nsuaa.1.jpg] [Image: vwporscheaa.jpg]
None of them as background.

[Image: cabgrismetaa.jpg]
Unknow metal-grey cabrio above the Matra.

[Image: cabrou11.jpg] [Image: cabaa.8.jpg]
Red Dino 246GT

[Image: cabvertaa.jpg]
Unknown cabrio down in the foreground.

[Image: coublancaa.jpg] [Image: coublancab.jpg] [Image: coublancac.jpg]
White De Tomaso Mangusta.

[Image: counoiraa.jpg]
Black Ferrari 365GT 2+2.

[Image: couoraa.jpg] [Image: couorab.jpg] [Image: couorac.jpg]
Gold metallic Maserarti Ghibli.

[Image: couprotoaa.jpg]
Prototype Opel CD on the right.

[Image: couusaa.jpg]
White US coupé in the middle.

[Image: epsilonaa.jpg] [Image: epsilonab.jpg]
Sigma letter Formula in the left.

[Image: fordaa.jpg]

[Image: for12maa.jpg] [Image: for12mba.1.jpg]
Red Ford 12M on the left upper corner, and blue-grey in the background.

[Image: for15mac.jpg]
Ford 15M and 17M

[Image: for17mba.jpg]
Ford 17M in the background right.

[Image: forcoraa.6.jpg]
White and stripe Ford Cortina Lotus ? ou Racing BMW 2002? in the middle.

[Image: fortauda.1.jpg] [Image: fortaudb.1.jpg]
Ford Taunus P5 in the background.

[Image: fortaufa.jpg]
Ford Taunus P3 in the background.

[Image: mercedesbenzaa.jpg]

[Image: mbfouaa.jpg] [Image: mbfouab.jpg]
Mercedes Benz L406 in the background.

[Image: mbfouab.jpg] [Image: necjagab.jpg]
Neckar Jagst or Fiat 600 in the background right.

[Image: opelaa.jpg]

[Image: opekadcaraa.jpg]
Opel Kadett Caravan.

[Image: operekga.jpg]
Opel Rekord A on the right.

[Image: operekcaraa.1.jpg] [Image: operekcarab.1.jpg]
Opel Rekord Caravan P2

[Image: peu204aa.7.jpg] [Image: peu204ab.4.jpg]
Peugeot 204 on the left.

[Image: pocaa.1.jpg]
In the background: Poclain?

[Image: renaultaa.jpg]

[Image: ren8aa.14.jpg] [Image: ren8ab.4.jpg]
White Renault 8 in the background.

[Image: ren10aa.2.jpg] [Image: ren10ac.jpg] [Image: ren10ba.2.jpg]
Red Renault 10 Major in the background.

[Image: sedba.9.jpg]
Grey sedan behind the white Simca? another 1300/1500 perhaps?

[Image: sedca.4.jpg]
Unknown red metallic sedan in the foreground.

[Image: sedda.6.jpg]
German GM or Ford?

[Image: sedea.4.jpg]
Grey on the right? Opel Kapitan, Admiral A?

[Image: simcaaa.jpg]

[Image: sim1500aa.5.jpg]
White Simca 1500 in the background.

[Image: vwaa.12.jpg]

[Image: vw1500aa.1.jpg] [Image: vw1500ba.1.jpg]
VW 1500 on the right.

[Image: vwkaraa.jpg] [Image: vwkarab.jpg] [Image: vwkarac.jpg]
Red/black roof VW Karmann Ghia.

[Image: vwt2aa.4.jpg]
VW bus T2

-- Last edit: 2019-11-11 19:01:04

dsl SX

2019-11-11 18:47

sixcyl wrote [Image: aus1100aa.3.jpg]
White Austin 1100 in the background.

Possibly a Peugeot 404 if I'm looking at the correct car. Can't see an ADO16 in there ...

sixcyl wrote [Image: cabgrismetaa.jpg]
Unknown metal-grey cabrio above the Matra.

Maybe a Maserati Ghibli Spyder. In a better colour (example), it's probably the most beautiful car ever made by anyone in the entire universe and beyond.

sixcyl wrote [Image: forcoraa.6.jpg]
White and stripe Ford Cortina Lotus ? ou Racing BMW 2002? in the middle.

BMW 2002 in 1969 works livery of silver with red stripe. Not sure which/who #75 was, but they were used on several saloon races in German and European series. plus the 1969 European hillclimb championship.

sixcyl FR

2019-11-11 20:30

dsl wrote
Possibly a Peugeot 404 if I'm looking at the correct car. Can't see an ADO16 in there ...

Maybe a Maserati Ghibli Spyder. In a better colour (example), it's probably the most beautiful car ever made by anyone in the entire universe and beyond.

BMW 2002 in 1969 works livery of silver with red stripe. Not sure which/who #75 was, but they were used on several saloon races in German and European series. plus the 1969 European hillclimb championship.

Thanks for your feedback…
Concerning the ADO16, I 've had hesitate with the 404 too…
It's defintively too far and blurry to be sure Indeed.

50sParis NL

2019-11-12 05:33

Thanks for adding, very nice

Buc84 US

2019-11-16 19:28

'White US Coupe'...1970 Ford Torino GT

CougarTim US

2019-11-24 01:45

sixcyl wrote
[Image: cabvertaa.jpg]
Unknown cabrio down in the foreground.

Judging by color, hood and roof details, and proximity to the Bertone logo, it's got to be the 1969 BMW 2800 Spicup designed by Bertone:

Might be worth listing even if mostly obscured.

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