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Alag melkhiin khonkh, Movie, 1990

Pictures provided by: Gamer

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Gamer DE

2020-02-03 12:58

Link to ""

Mongolian film. This is truly special and I hope we can keep it. I added the bus just in case. There are several of these Mongolian films on Facebook.

-- Last edit: 2020-02-03 13:40:34

Gamer DE

2020-02-03 16:54

Maybe this could be a new niche of unexplored cinema for Kegare? After Romania and Greece, Mongolia? :D


2020-02-03 17:01

I'll try sometime in the future, Gamer. Thanks. :)

Gamer DE

2020-02-03 17:28

It'll be quite hard to find one set in the city, though. Most of them are in the mountains for an hour and a half and only have two cars.

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