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Le magazine du rail N°3, FR Documentary, 1948

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sixcyl FR

2021-04-12 22:14

[Image: film1.2.jpg] [Image: film2.2.jpg]
From the Section Centrale Cinématographique de la SNCF
Documentary N°3 with two items.

[Image: 1securiteavanttout.jpg]
1- Sécurité avant tout.

No vehicles in this section.

[Image: 1pays2.jpg] [Image: 1train.jpg]

[Image: 2debarquementspacifiques.jpg]
2- Débarquements pacifiques.

Several tens of thousands of Rolling stok were bought from USA and Canada for reconstruction of French railway…

Normandy landings first
[Image: 2bateauaa.jpg] [Image: 2bateauba.jpg] [Image: 2bateaueb.jpg]

State of the railways and Rolling stocks in 1945
[Image: 2trainac.jpg] [Image: 2trainba.1.jpg] [Image: 2trainbb.1.jpg] [Image: 2trainbc.1.jpg]

Very iconic 141R Mikado Steam locomotives , built by USA companies Baldwin, ALC, Lima LW, or Canadian Montréal LW , Canadian LC.
These ones from Canada:
[Image: 2bateaufa.jpg] [Image: 2bateaufb.jpg] [Image: 2bateaufc.jpg] [Image: 2bateaufd.jpg] [Image: 2bateauff.jpg] [Image: 2bateaufg.jpg]
[Image: 2bateaugb.jpg]
[Image: 2traincf.jpg] [Image: 2traincd.jpg] [Image: 2trainca.jpg] [Image: 2traincb.jpg] [Image: 2traincj.jpg] [Image: 2trainck.jpg]

Diesel US locomotives for the Chemin de Fer du Maroc.
[Image: 2trainda.jpg] [Image: 2traindc.jpg] [Image: 2traindj.jpg] [Image: 2traindk.jpg]

CKD deliveries for different kind of wagons … and building plants.
[Image: 2trainea.jpg] [Image: 2trainfa.jpg] [Image: 2trained.jpg] [Image: 2trainfb.jpg] [Image: 2trainfc.jpg] [Image: 2trainfe.jpg] [Image: 2trainga.jpg] [Image: 2traingb.jpg] [Image: 2traingc.jpg] [Image: 2trainge.jpg]

Views of ships, many of them of the series Liberty.
[Image: 2bateauga.jpg] [Image: 2bateauia.jpg] [Image: 2bateauja.jpg] [Image: 2bateaujb.jpg] [Image: 2bateauka.jpg] [Image: 2bateauma.jpg] [Image: 2bateauoa.jpg] [Image: 2bateauna.jpg] [Image: 2bateaupb.jpg]
Harbour Cranes
[Image: 2paysaa.1.jpg] [Image: 2paysab.1.jpg] [Image: 2paysba.1.jpg]

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