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Unhinged, Movie, 2020 IMDB

Pictures provided by: CRAFT372, Mystery Man, JB, Parrilex304

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Also known as:

  • Unhinged: Ausser Kontrolle (Germany)
  • Salvaje (Spain)
  • Enragé (France)
  • Il giorno sbagliato (Italy)
  • Nieobliczalny (Poland)
  • 超危險駕駛 (Taiwan)

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Comments about this movie

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Gamer DE

2020-08-06 09:08

Seen last night. Not terrible, but not that good either. Duel is better.

The intro sequence was definitely one of the worst and laziest I ever saw. Just some random YouTube footage of car chases, and crashes where you can't even verify if the driver was really road raging or just DUI, mixed with overlapping audio of news reports about road rage like there's some sort of invisible alien power that causes people to road rage, and Russell Crowe's character being one of the affected.
All we need to know is that he's twisted by society. We don't even see how he gets so angry as
Spoiler - click here to see it
the movie starts right off with him burning down a house

so why do we need this footage of road rage reports beforehand? What does that explain?

And ugh - really? They had to reference Fortnite in this game, and even make it help Rachel escape? I think I lost about 40 brain cells every time they mentioned...that game.

-- Last edit: 2020-08-06 10:01:03

Gamer DE

2020-09-15 17:03

By the way, I don't know the song they used in the trailer, but this would have been perfect:

Baube QC

2020-09-15 17:35

according to comments it Heart-shaped Box by Nirvana

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