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Агенты КГБ тоже влюбляются (KGB Agents Also Fall in Love), SU Movie, 1991 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Dickkiller

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Also known as:

  • Agenty KGB tozhe vlyublyayutsya (transliterated)
  • Los agentes de la KGB también se enamoran (Chile)

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Dickkiller RU

2011-04-12 20:39

Agenty KGB tozhe vlyublyayutsya / Агенты КГБ тоже влюбляются

Ingo DE

2011-04-12 21:20

Where was it filmed? :??: Many plates are looking Chilean.

Gag Halfrunt UK

2011-04-12 21:23

The IMDB says it was a USSR-Chile co-production.

Gamer DE

2018-01-28 14:34

Spanish title: "Los agentes de la KGB también se enamoran"

Serranita CL

2021-05-29 18:03

Cineteca Nacional de Chile released some time ago an HD remaster of the movie, so I plan to update it soon.

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