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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze, Movie, 1991 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Chris D., ahight

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Also known as:

  • As Tartarugas Ninja II: O Segredo do Ooze (Brazil)
  • Turtles II - Gåden om det grønne slam (Denmark)
  • Teinimutanttininjakilpikonnat 2 ja Mönjän salaisuus (Finland)
  • Les tortues ninja II - Les héros sont de retour (France)
  • Myutanto tatoruzu 2 (Japan)
  • Testoasele Ninja 2 (Romania)
  • Mladé ninja korytnačky II: Tajomstvo bahna (Slovakia)
  • Ninja Kaplumbağalar 2 (Türkiye)

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Comments about this movie

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Stampede1975 US

2009-05-14 02:59

I remember seeing a Ford pickup in the junkyard scene, it appeared to be a late 1960s/early 1970s Ford pickup

ahight US

2021-11-03 21:37

Updated to HD

Small/blurry backgrounds:
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GodzillaFan54 CA

2022-11-04 15:11

Glad to see that both of the '90s Ninja Turtles movies are on this website!

Gamer DE

2022-11-04 16:28

Does the third one (yeah, sorry to remind you that one exists...) have any brief vehicles in the modern scenes?

GodzillaFan54 CA

2022-11-04 21:48

I wouldn't know. I've never seen the whole movie but from the brief clips I've seen during reviews, it seems like a straight-up cringefest. "Jokes" and dialogue that is bad the jokes are pure anti-humor and there's some racially-insensitive dialogue. It's so shit I refuse to give it the time of day. How that s***-filled dumpster fire even saw any release at all, let alone a theatrical one, is a mystery.

And I've sat through Movie 43.

-- Last edit: 2022-11-04 21:48:30

GodzillaFan54 CA

2023-11-02 13:19

Just breezed through TMNT III and there's not one motor vehicle in the entire film. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a video tape that needs slicing in half with a katanna :D

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