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Renegade, US TV Series, 1992-1997 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Cermo, francisharley, mike962

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Also known as:

  • El Renegado
  • Renegado
  • Ренегат (Bulgaria)
  • Renegade - Gnadenlose Jagd (Germany)
  • Renegade: Tappava kosto (Finland)
  • Le rebelle (France)
  • Renegade: Ο κυνηγός του εγκλήματος (Greece)
  • A fejvadász (Hungary)
  • 反逆のヒーローレネゲイド (Japan)
  • 레니게이드 (South Korea)
  • Renegāts (Latvia)
  • Mściciel na harleyu (Poland)
  • Renegat (Poland)
  • Renegatul (Romania)
  • Одметник (Serbia)
  • Отступник (Russia)
  • Odpadlík (Slovakia)

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francisharley FR

2007-11-30 21:30

La liste de la saison 1 avec le titre original, le titre français et la première diffusion aux Etats-Unis
Episode 1: épisode "pilot" non dénommé - Le piège - 19/09/92
Episode 2: Hunting accident - Poursuite accidentelle - 26/09/92
Episode 3: Final judgment - Le jugement dernier - 03/10/92
Episode 4: La mala sombra (the evil shadow) - La main de Dieu -10/10/92
Episode 5: Mother Courage - La détermination d'une mère - 17/10/92
Episode 6: Second chance - La deuxième chance - 24/10/92
Episode 7: Eye of the storm - L'oeil du cyclone -31/10/92
Episode 8: Payback - Vengeance aveugle - 07/11/92
Episode 9: The talisman - La vengeance d'une fille - 14/11/92
Episode 10: Partners - Partenaires - 21/11/92
Episode 11: Lyon's roar - Le rugissement du lion - 09/01/93
Episode 12: Val's song - La chanson de Val - 16/01/93
Episode 13: Give and take - A prendre ou à laisser - 23/01/93
Episode 14: Samurai - Samourais et yakuzas - 30/01/93
Episode 15: Two Renos - Reno contre Reno - 06/02/93
Episode 16: Billy - Billy - 13/02/93
Episode 17: Headcase - Cas de force majeure - 20/02/93
Episode 18: The hot tip - Un tuyau en or -27/02/93
Episode 19: Moody river - Moody river - 01/05/93
Episode 20: Vanished - Les malheurs de Danny - 08/05/93
Episode 21: Fighting cage part 1 - Les gladiateurs première partie - 15/05/93
Episode 22: Fighting cage part 2 - Les gladiateurs deuxième partie - 22/05/93

francisharley FR

2007-12-07 23:19

Pour les amateurs de belles américaines bien "carrossées" (Je parle des voitures à l'arrière-plan. Tout le monde avait compris)

[Image: renegade184as6.3491.jpg] [Image: renegade185yq5.397.jpg]

sixcyl FR

2007-12-07 23:27

francisharley wrote Pour les amateurs de belles américaines bien "carrossées" (Je parle des voitures à l'arrière-plan. Tout le monde avait compris)

Humm..ça doit hurler bien fort quand tu montes en régime

francisharley FR

2007-12-08 20:54

Plusieurs véhicules à identifier

[Image: cap218mn3.2370.jpg]

francisharley FR

2007-12-09 19:39

Le coffret US (3 DVD) de la saison un et la cassette video française

[Image: renegade276mf2.6798.jpg] [Image: renegade277zq3.7254.jpg]

mister car from 971

2008-06-03 23:21

Comme je suis en train de voir un épisode du "Rebelle" sur NT1, j'ai vu y'a quelques minutes une Ford Granada/Lincoln Versailles ou Mercury Monarch de couleur verte se crasher et faire un ou deux tonnneaux après que Lorenzo Lamas et son comparse aient déclenché quelques coups de feu sur cette dernière!

mike962 DE

2017-01-15 14:07

Season 2 complete !!

mike962 DE

2017-01-15 19:36

Season 3 complete !!

mike962 DE

2017-01-15 21:28

before I add more episodes from S4 and S5 the duplicates perhaps be merged / deleted ?

night cub US

2017-01-15 21:59

mike962 wrote before I add more episodes from S4 and S5 the duplicates perhaps be merged / deleted ?

Are you expecting the admins to do all the cleanup or are you going to help?

mike962 DE

2017-01-15 22:01

and exactly how can I help if I can't delete the duplicates ?

I did point them out like this one which seems exact same car

also with some cars like those Chevy Caprice/Impala or those old Ford Crown Vic I don't have full expertise to determine if they are duplicates or not

-- Last edit: 2017-01-15 22:02:10

Sandie SX

2017-01-15 22:04

Once the vehicles have been identified copy the pictures then upload them as thumbs on a page they should be merged to. When that's done ask for the now redundant page to be deleted. Simple.

mike962 DE

2017-01-15 22:14

Sandie wrote Once the vehicles have been identified copy the pictures then upload them as thumbs on a page they should be merged to. When that's done ask for the now redundant page to be deleted. Simple.


I see 3 police Crown Vic as identified as 1988 so I try to merge them

mike962 DE

2017-01-16 10:49

regarding the ending it get's sort of an ending

Reno is still doesn't have his name cleared, the Marshall who can clear him is in a deep coma in hospital, Dixon's mother and son didn't get their full revenage on Dixon yet

but on the other hand Dixon is now officially a fugitive too, wanted for attemted murder on a US marshal

-- Last edit: 2017-01-16 10:50:18

mike962 DE

2017-01-16 18:38

5.02 is this truck solvable ?

[Image: untitled.1660.jpg]

or this pickup 5.08 2 stars
[Image: untitled.1674.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2017-01-16 20:40:14

mike962 DE

2017-01-16 21:04

Season 5 complete !!

mike962 DE

2017-01-17 16:01

Season 4 done


mike962 DE

2017-01-17 16:06

here something funny

Kathleen Kinmont Fired From Renegade After Being On Howard Stern Radio Show

mike962 DE

2018-05-13 20:18

full theme of the show, probably the only good thing about it :lol:

Sandie SX

2018-05-13 20:27

Still think the intro of this show (with the narration "He was a cop and good at his job..." etc) is one of the cheesiest ever.

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