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American Heart, Movie, 1992 IMDB

Pictures provided by: stronghold, sthor, galloper

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Also known as:

  • Corazón roto (Spain)

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stronghold EN

2006-09-20 19:49

[Image: amheart2aj3.2200.jpg]
Cadillac pic added, from the film trailer...

galloper KR

2013-06-16 05:55

[Image: americanheart1992dvdripx264mkv_000058115.jpg]
Photo is captures the full movie

Sandie SX

2013-06-18 04:35

I've validated this, but the star ratings seemed a bit off so I removed them or in the case of those that seemed clearly to be backgrounds moved them to [*]. Hopefully someone can correct this in the future.

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