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Nartai, Movie, 2022 IMDB

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2023-02-26 10:43

[Image: bandicam2023-02-2520-09-54-493.jpg]

Set in Munich, Germany in 1991 during withdrawal of Soviet Armed Forces.

Russkiye na Marienplats (Russians on Marienplatz)

Gamer DE

2023-02-26 10:51

Russians in Munich? Did they sleep through five history classes?...

Jnglmpera JP

2023-02-26 10:53

Maybe they took a wrong turn at Alburquerque Dresden and accidentally wound up in Bavaria... :D

Gamer DE

2023-02-26 11:11

Okay, that makes sense indeed...It sounded like Soviet troops were leaving Bavaria, which was of course deepest American zone.

-- Last edit: 2023-02-26 11:12:15


2023-02-26 11:14

On IMDB slightly inaccurate description of the movie plot. "One of the film's protagonists inadvertently hijacked a tank from a Soviet military freight train, along with a tank driver escorting the tank back to the Soviet Union. In order to report the incident and return the tank where it is supposed to, they go to Munich to the Soviet consulate where the Consul tells them that he knows nothing about the theft of the tank, after which they are "stuck" in Munich for several month"

Gamer DE

2023-02-26 15:10

Allegedly filmed in Kazakhstan and on location in Bavaria, but somehow I doubt that for most of the pictures (except the T3 and the tractor). If these cars were really in Germany, they'd almost certainly be H-plated spotless beauties. Ever since we sold 3/4ths of our 80s and early 90s automotive heritage to the east, the survivors have been meticulously cared for.

Thusly, in the CIS they are now a dime a dozen and that's why they now end up as anti-tank defenses on the Dnepr.

-- Last edit: 2023-02-26 15:13:37

Exiv96 BE

2023-02-26 20:01

Gamer wrote Allegedly filmed in Kazakhstan and on location in Bavaria, but somehow I doubt that for most of the pictures (except the T3 and the tractor).

Every visible german plate is fake too.

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