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Toutes peines confondues, Movie, 1992 IMDB

Pictures provided by: sixcyl

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Also known as:

  • Sweetheart
  • Marbel (Italy)

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sixcyl FR

2018-09-15 21:30

[Image: toutespeinesconfondues.jpg]

Background vehicles

[Image: audaa.jpg] [Image: audba.jpg] [Image: audda.jpg]

[Image: beraa.21.jpg]
[Image: berba.15.jpg]
[Image: berca.8.jpg] [Image: bercb.6.jpg]
[Image: berda.3.jpg]
[Image: berfc.4.jpg]
[Image: bergb.2.jpg]
[Image: berha.1.jpg]

Unknown on the right , Japanese I guess
[Image: berjapca.jpg]

BMW far in the background
[Image: bmw5aa.jpg]

Unknown white estate car, Japanese car again?
[Image: breaa.jpg]

Cabriolet. Opel Kadett E?
[Image: cabaa.5.jpg]

Citroën Visa
[Image: citvisaa.1.jpg]

Unknown Coupé on the left
[Image: couaa.6.jpg]

Ford Capri I
[Image: forcapaa.1.jpg] [Image: forcapab.2.jpg]

Ford Sierra
[Image: forsieaa.1.jpg] [Image: forsieac.jpg] [Image: forsiead.1.jpg]

[Image: manaa.jpg]

Mercedes-Benz 190E
[Image: mb190aa.1.jpg]

Mercedes-Benz S-Series
[Image: mb240aa.jpg]

Nissan Patrol
[Image: nispataa.jpg]

Opel Caravan … Kadett ? Omega?
[Image: opebreaa.jpg] [Image: opebreab.jpg] [Image: opebreac.jpg] [Image: opebread.jpg]

Opel Kadett E
[Image: opekadaa.2.jpg]

Peugeot 104
[Image: peu104aa.2.jpg]

Peugeot 205
[Image: peu205aa.2.jpg] [Image: peu205ab.1.jpg]
[Image: peu205ba.1.jpg]

Pontiac TranSport
[Image: pontraaa.jpg]
[Image: pontraab.jpg]

Renault 4
[Image: ren4aa.12.jpg]

Renault 5 serie 1
[Image: ren5ac.jpg]

Renault 12 serie 2
[Image: ren12aa.3.jpg]

Renault 25 serie 1
[Image: ren25ac.1.jpg]

Renault R310
[Image: rviaa.jpg]

Toyota Corolla
[Image: toyaa.1.jpg]

Volkswagen Passat Variant
[Image: vwpasbreaa.jpg]

Zürich Tramways
[Image: traintramaa.5.jpg] [Image: traintramab.3.jpg] [Image: traintramac.2.jpg]

Trafic lights for rjluna
[Image: paysda.1.jpg] [Image: paysdb.jpg]

1980/90's Telecom devices
[Image: paysba.4.jpg] [Image: paysca.4.jpg] [Image: paysfa.1.jpg] [Image: paysga.jpg]

[Image: paysea.1.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2018-09-15 21:49:00

Ingo DE

2018-09-15 21:34

First unknown cars Citroen GS an Renault 20.

The Cabriolet is an Kadett E, not C.

The unknown Coupe is a Mercedes R107 with hardtop.

The Opel Caravan is an Omega A. The two unknown cars, one white, one yellow are also Omega A.

-- Last edit: 2018-09-15 21:36:17

sixcyl FR

2018-09-15 21:50

Thanks Ingo

Some airplanes picture soon at Impdb.

rjluna2 US

2018-09-16 01:09

sixcyl wrote Trafic lights for rjluna

Scheduled to post a comment on 2019-6-26.

sixcyl FR

2018-10-08 22:08


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