
Last completed movie pages

Cloverfield, Movie, 2008 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Neptune, SPcamert, antp, carfan, JBan717, shlc647, Andrew555

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Also known as:

  • Cloverfield: Monstruo (Argentina)
  • Чудовищнo (Bulgaria)
  • Cloverfield: Monstro (Brazil)
  • 科洛弗档案 (China)
  • Monstrum (Czechia or ex-Czechoslovakia)
  • Monstruoso (Spain)
  • 未世凶煞 (Hong Kong SAR)
  • क्लोवरफिल्ड (India)
  • Cloverfield: Hakaisha (Japan)
  • クローバーフィールド HAKAISHA (Japan)
  • 클로버필드 (South Korea)
  • Projektas MONSTRAS (Lithuania)
  • Nezvērs (Latvia)
  • Projekt: Monster (Poland)
  • Nome de Código: Cloverfield (Portugal)
  • Monstruos (Romania)
  • Polje detelina (Serbia)
  • Монстро (Russia)
  • Posastno (Slovenia)
  • Monštrum (Slovakia)
  • Canavar (Türkiye)
  • 科洛弗檔案 (Taiwan)
  • Cloverfield: Thảm Họa Diệt Vong (Viet Nam)

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Comments about this movie

See all comments about this movie and its vehicles


antp BE

2007-09-01 23:16

Neptune wrote Here are two captures from the mysterious unnamed teaser trailer that aired before the Transformers movie. I know two of the cars are a Honda Accord and Ford Crown Victoria. But the other car (the black station wagon) is the one was wondering about. It gets partially hit by the Statue Of Liberty’s head (!) Here is a link to the movies Apple site to view the teaser trailer.

It is currently listed on the IMDB as "Untitled JJ Abrams Project"

-- Last edit: 2007-09-01 23:16:58

Neptune US

2007-10-20 05:25

Some info on the film:

All of the websites below are confirmed to be related to this movie in some way.
It is said that these corporate websites and personal web pages have hidden clues
about the film, including the film’s name which has so far been kept a secret.
Followers of the film have been participating in the online scavenger hunt.
(Password: jllovesth)

If you click on the 'Myspace' pages you will find that they belong to characters of the
film, most of which are seen in the Teaser Trailer. One of the actors is seen wearing
a "Slusho" T-shirt and Slusho is a subsidiary of "Tagruato". Both companies are apparently
fictitious, and also some parts of the Tagruato Corporation main website do not work.

Neptune US

2007-11-25 22:55

[Image: cap8mm4.8499.jpg] [Image: cap1tf7.1017.jpg]

Neptune US

2007-11-25 22:56

"Formerly known as Central Park" ... (!) ... ?

-- Last edit: 2007-11-25 22:57:12

badlymad CA

2007-11-25 23:14

The film sounds interesting, in a 'Blair Witch Project meets Godzilla' sort of way.

Neptune US

2007-11-25 23:30

I’m just afraid they are going to use that "shaky-cam" effect the whole way though the film.
Its neat the first few seconds, but gets old real fast. :/

Ford_Guy US

2007-11-25 23:31

I agree. As for the issue with the tank, we should leave it as "unknown" until we can get that verified, IMO.

mercurygrandmarquis1 US

2008-01-21 05:51

Neptune wrote "Formerly known as Central Park" ... (!) ... ?

watch the movie to find out what this means because i only tell pople waiting on line to buy there movie ticket the ending of the movie

-- Last edit: 2008-01-21 05:51:31

MBSL65fan US

2008-01-21 06:02

My sister who saw this movie got a headache because there was so much shacking from the camera.

firebird86 US

2008-01-21 08:04

mercurygrandmarquis1 wrote
watch the movie to find out what this means because i only tell pople waiting on line to buy there movie ticket the ending of the movie

I bet you've been chased out of a few parking lots eh? :lol:

CarChasesFanatic ES

2008-01-21 12:49

Neptune wrote I’m just afraid they are going to use that "shaky-cam" effect the whole way though the film.
Its neat the first few seconds, but gets old real fast. :/

MBSL65fan wrote My sister who saw this movie got a headache because there was so much shacking from the camera.

I'm afraid this is going to be filmed in a similar for not sayign the same way as REC, just with a camera during the whole movie and yes, a bit hacky in most of the bits.

Though i saw the trailer when i went to see I Am Legend and i liked it, so another movie i'd like to watch.

-- Last edit: 2008-01-21 12:51:59

gtech US

2008-01-24 00:55

I think the black station wagon is passat wagon. I recognise the antenna and the chrome trim around the windows

-- Last edit: 2008-01-24 01:05:05

CarChasesFanatic ES

2008-02-06 13:17

Just saw it two days ago, it wasnt bad, the plot perhaps a bit simple, it didnt got me astouned, it was ok to pass the evening, but it could have been better, and some of the character reactions after certain ituations was not very believeable in my opinion but well...

Just a note, at the begining you see an apartment with views towards Central Park that... [:bave]

movie star AT

2008-03-28 21:29

:lol: somebody told me he didn't like the shaky cam effects of the bourne car chases. But the shaky cam stuff in this movie is very annoying.. at least in the trailer :/

CarChasesFanatic ES

2008-03-28 21:32

Actually this has been the first movie i got out feeling sick of, i resisted until the end but i drunk a lot of Fanta plus the shacky cam so i almost threw up, thank God the film finished on time :p the shacky cam was really annoying in this one yeap.

movie star AT

2008-03-28 21:35

carchasesfanatic wrote Actually this has been the first movie i got out feeling sick of, i resisted until the end but i drunk a lot of Fanta plus the shacky cam so i almost threw up, thank God the film finished on time :p the shacky cam was really annoying in this one yeap.

:) Thanks for your answer. I think it's ok to use shaky cams for short car chases but using it a whole movie... :lol:

CarChasesFanatic ES

2008-03-28 21:39

Well and for chases rather not in my opinion!! and in the many others, its quite annoying as well :p

movie star AT

2008-03-28 21:52

carchasesfanatic wrote Well and for chases rather not in my opinion!! and in the many others, its quite annoying as well :p

Ok you're right :) anyway, was there at least some good car action in Cloverfield?

CarChasesFanatic ES

2008-03-28 21:55

None im afraid, actually i cannot say it 100% sure but appart from that tank no vehicles deserves any star rating.

antp BE

2008-03-29 00:25

carchasesfanatic wrote Well and for chases rather not in my opinion!!

Indeed. Same for close shots. Two downsides of Bourne Supremacy chase.

wickey SK

2008-04-07 00:37

saw it today in theatre - quite good movie actually

carfan US

2008-04-18 18:38

Here are the cameras they used while filming this movie according to IMDB.

Panasonic AG-HSC1U

Panasonic AG-HVX200

Sony CineAlta F23

Thomson VIPER FilmStream Camera

CarChasesFanatic ES

2008-04-18 19:03

I want them :p

stronghold EN

2008-04-25 14:48

I was looking forward to seeing this movie, but after viewing .. wish I hadn't.! It's Terrible, Definately among the worst movies i've ever seen.
The first 20 minutes or so you get the shaky-cam/home recording treatment at a party and it just goe's down hill from there.! All you get for the remainder of the movie is even more shaky-cam, pictures of peoples feet, legs , the floor, the ceiling, lots of dust, smoke, things collapsing etc.. (All 'out of focus' or in sweeping panning shots.!) Awful! You don't see much of the big creature (It didn't impress me, give me Godzilla any day ..the japanese version that is.!) The smaller creatures (insect like) reminded me of 'Starship troopers' ..anyway they had very little screentime in the dark.!
I was glad to get to the end of this movie.! Total Rubbish: 0/10

CarChasesFanatic ES

2008-04-25 15:38

I didnt find it terrible but not very good as i said above, its ok to pass the evening btu that was all, the shacky cam was horrible, the first movie to ever make me feel sick in the cinema, very bad indeed.

tali UK

2008-04-25 18:27

the critics were gushing about how great this movie is - but considering its so horribly unoriginal i haven't bothered seeing it - just aswell

Red Grant US

2008-06-04 02:19

Now their making another movie like it with zombies in a building, and a hazmat team trying to investigate the problem. It seems like a new fad has started in Hollywood...


-- Last edit: 2008-06-04 02:19:13

CarChasesFanatic ES

2008-06-04 02:24

The one you are talking about is going to be an american remake of this Spanish movie /movie.php?id=1038988 ;)

-- Last edit: 2008-06-04 02:25:29

58Roadmaster US

2008-06-04 05:04

The problem with the shaky cam is that so many people now own and use miniaturized cameras in cell phones and the like. Shooting an entire picture to appear like a series of captures from these personal devices yields greater realism to those familiar with the devices on an everyday basis. For the rest of us, it comes off as unmasterful rubbish by a community college film class.

58Roadmaster US

2008-06-04 05:08

Comments to be moved to forum topic "Why Cloverfield Sucks"--just kidding :lol:

antp BE

2008-06-13 23:35

I replaced some pictures by better ones, and added few.
I found the movie good actually, that "shaky cam" effect is not as bad as I was expecting. But I hope that this won't become too common in new movies...

taxiguy US

2008-06-14 02:53

I still see no listing for Crown Victoria, of which there were many...

Ford_Guy US

2008-06-14 06:10

None were probably seen too well to give a page to.

antp BE

2008-06-14 16:38

Indeed, there were few yellow taxis in background but that's normal for a movie set in NY. None was visible enough to be listed I think. Well, maybe a good shot could be found, but as the camera moves a lot it may be difficult to find.

carfan US

2008-06-15 02:01

Who sent the pictures of the Dodge Ram van and the Mercedes CLK? If they were sent in an email with no name it may have from been me. I forgot to give my username that i have on this site. There were also pictures of a Dodge Durango, Ford Focus, Jeep Liberty, and a Chevrolet Lumina in that email.

-- Last edit: 2008-06-15 02:03:21

antp BE

2008-06-15 17:18

I just added them yesterday from captures that I made, they were not listed previously. The e-mail that you sent hasn't been processed yet, I did not see it before adding my pics (but it is well in the inbox, waiting).

-- Last edit: 2008-06-15 17:18:29

carfan US

2008-06-15 22:44

antp wrote I just added them yesterday from captures that I made, they were not listed previously. The e-mail that you sent hasn't been processed yet, I did not see it before adding my pics (but it is well in the inbox, waiting).

Okay. I emailed the pictures because something seems to be wrong with imageshack. I can't login even after creating a new account.

JBan717 US

2008-07-15 20:37

What about this one?

[Image: vlcsnap133532mi8.6909.jpg]

[Image: vlcsnap153854oj8.8619.jpg]

This is a British FV433 Abbot self-propelled gun, which is apparently meant to be an American M109 in the film (a lot of people on other message boards I've visited seem to be mistaking it for an M109, which indicates that it did the job!)

shlc647 US

2019-10-31 23:44

[Image: screenshot641.jpg]

Done with Blu Ray captures and added some missing vehicles. One of the best films of the last (almost) 20 years. I do remember the how much people were hyping it up back then, and it exceeded expectations. Despite the "shaky cam" that is prevalent in these found footage style films.

karoomay SY

2019-11-10 23:01

Can't believe it's already been nearly 12 years when this movie was first released, it stills feels like yesterday when people were hyping about it.

Carter2012 FR

2020-04-22 01:15

karoomay wrote Can't believe it's already been nearly 12 years when this movie was first released, it stills feels like yesterday when people were hyping about it.

The automotive landscape has changed a lot within that time. I wouldn't be surprised if 90% of the cars shown on this page are destroyed now.

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