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Zefir v shokolade, Movie, 1994 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Gamer

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Also known as:

  • Zephyr in Chocolate

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Gamer DE

2018-01-19 17:40

Finally done. This was one awful film. :D

Most sites say 1993, however the copyright at the very end is from 1994.

What is this? First thought Zastava Skala, then Fiat Tempra but it's none of those:
[Image: zastava101.jpg]

Main character has some bike posters in his garage:
[Image: bikeposter.2.jpg] [Image: harleychopper.jpg]

Internet Movie Cameras Database:
[Image: imcadb.jpg]

And, inevitable as always, the IMDDB:
[Image: imddb1.jpg] [Image: leonberger.jpg]

Does this count too? :lol:
[Image: bikerdog.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2018-01-20 13:47:32

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