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Don't Look Up, Movie, 2021 IMDB

Pictures provided by: mystery man, GodzillaFan54, Parrilex304

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Mystery Man DE

2021-12-25 01:51

[Image: a.656.jpg]

GodzillaFan54 CA

2022-01-23 01:27

Added a listing for a red Porsche 911 seen floating through space during the end credits, a reference to the red Tesla that famously went to space.

midnight US

2022-02-09 14:45

I wonder how far fetched is it that a 5 to 10 km comet could contain 140 trillion dollars worth of rare minerals.

993cc VA

2022-02-09 15:25

Not so far fetched from what I've been reading. But without factoring the cost of going there, extracting and hauling back.

Corkeyandpals US

2022-03-13 22:22

Aircraft at:

GodzillaFan54 CA

2022-03-28 00:59

Think this'll win Best Picture tonight? I hope it does.

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