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Five and Under, Documentary, 1941 IMDB

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dsl SX

2014-08-25 02:26

[Image: title.78.jpg] [Image: title2.30.jpg]
Campaigning film for proper nursery provision for under-5s because their mums are working all hours in factories etc. Locations unidentified, but at long last it looks as if some was outside London - maybe Birmingham as well.

Mobile barrage balloon unit for interest
[Image: barrage04-30.jpg]
- these were mostly London more than other cities, but also used elsewhere. Orkney Scapa Flow defences had loads of them 1940-42
[Image: barrageballoonfara-scran02990105.jpg]
- if anyone can ID any truck details I would be very interested.

Corkeyandpals US

2014-12-19 16:56

Aircraft at:

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