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Scanner Cop II, Movie, 1995 IMDB

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Comments about this movie

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Gamer DE

2013-07-09 19:28

Oh looky, another Cop movie in the process of adding!
Crash: The ** Chevrolet Caprice gets shot at, killing the driver and resulting in a homicide (see picture) and crash through crates before hitting a wall.

-- Last edit: 2013-07-09 19:33:58

rtsbusman1997 US

2013-07-09 19:30

So much cop xD

Gamer DE

2013-07-09 19:34

Complete. And I might be adding some more Cop movies. :D

-- Last edit: 2013-07-09 19:38:55

rtsbusman1997 US

2013-07-09 20:11

Yesss. Even more COP fare :3

galloper KR

2013-08-07 15:09

[Image: scannercopii1995aviavi_005436800.jpg]

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