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Danger Zone, Movie, 1996 IMDB

Pictures provided by: stronghold

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Also known as:

  • Alarmstufe: Tod (Germany)
  • Danger Zone - Zone des Todes (Germany)
  • Zona peligrosa (Spain)

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stronghold EN

2007-11-18 02:23

[Image:] [Image: dangerzone4lk6.5140.jpg] [Image:]
[Image: dangerzone29oz3.5329.jpg] [Image:] [Image: dangerzone57ij6.5318.jpg] [Image: dangerzone58mg5.3688.jpg] [Image:]
[Image: dangerzone133jj0.7792.jpg] [Image:] [Image: dangerzone135kl3.1548.jpg] [Image: dangerzone136kh4.7093.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2007-11-18 02:24:58

stronghold EN

2007-11-18 02:37

possibly a volvo truck passing in the background
[Image: dangerzone21hc9.131.jpg] [Image: dangerzone22oe3.4143.jpg] [Image: dangerzone23mc6.5318.jpg]
ford D-series, unknown old 50's sedan, some partial pics of cars, unknown pick-up
[Image: dangerzone37di9.710.jpg] [Image: dangerzone17cx5.7875.jpg] [Image: dangerzone56ue4.1359.jpg] [Image: dangerzone87cj9.6829.jpg] [Image: dangerzone88rb8.9341.jpg]
[Image: dangerzone89ss0.1031.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2007-11-18 03:22:30

Gag Halfrunt UK

2007-11-18 02:40

Filmed in South Africa.

Pokeoddsponge US

2007-11-18 02:46

[Image: dangerzone29oz3.5329.jpg]
Bell 206

[Image: dangerzone57ij6.5318.jpg]

[Image: dangerzone133jj0.7792.jpg]
Not sure but its American... possibly General Electric.

-- Last edit: 2007-11-18 02:49:37

Gag Halfrunt UK

2007-11-18 03:01

You're right. South African class 35 = General Electric U15C.
Quote 100 U15C's were built from 1974. Widely spread over SA and working most branch lines. Work passenger train duties from Pietermaritzburg to Kokstad and Franklin to Matatiele. Also work the weekly passenger train between Bloemfontein and Zastron. Sterkstrrrom to Maclear and East London to Umtata. Picture shows 35.479 passes Sannaspos on a freight.

Reference via Transport in South Afrioa:

-- Last edit: 2007-11-18 03:01:21

sixcyl FR

2007-11-18 12:06

Pokeoddsponge wrote C47?

or rather DC-3, from the front view of the 3rd thumbnail I don't see the large cargo doors

-- Last edit: 2007-11-18 12:09:45

Citsa ZA

2007-11-18 21:47

The white sedan in the second row of thumbnails, far right, is a Mitsubishi Tredia

Citsa ZA

2007-11-18 21:51

The white car in the foreground in the thumbnail second from right, second row is by all appearances a Datsun J-series (or Stanza as they were later called). Is the white car in the background a Renault (21?) - we did get other models than the 5, 9 and 11 here for a brief period, but they were very rare?
The brown pickup truck in the picture is a Ford F-series; most likely a F100.

-- Last edit: 2007-11-18 22:17:41

Citsa ZA

2007-11-18 21:53

The red van/ MPV/ minibus (ZA-jargon) in the last two thumbnails is a mid seventies to early eighties Toyota Hi-Ace - they were, until recently, ubiquitous as taxis on our roads. The yellow one behind it is also a Hi-Ace, but a later one (a version of which was still being produced recently).

-- Last edit: 2007-11-18 22:02:32

Citsa ZA

2007-11-18 22:03

Is the yellow 50's sedan in the second thumbnail from left, second row, not a Fiat of some sort?

Citsa ZA

2007-11-18 22:05

The white pickup is a late-sixties Datsun 1500. These preceded the 620 series.

Red Grant US

2008-01-21 21:09

Stupid name.

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