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8 Heads in a Duffel Bag, Movie, 1997 IMDB

Pictures provided by: no_car, Kartkidbut, humungus

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Also known as:

  • Cabeças Vão Rolar (Brazil)
  • Fugindo da Máfia (Brazil)
  • Jäger der verlorenen Schädel (Germany)
  • Kopflos - 8 Köpfe im Koffer (Germany)
  • Ocho cabezas (Spain)
  • 8 têtes dans un sac (France)
  • Otto teste e una valigia (Italy)
  • Um Saco Cheio de Cabeças (Portugal)

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humungus SI

2025-03-22 09:23

[Image: 8headsinaduffelbag1997title.jpg]

With movies like this and Gone Fishin' out the same year, and then Lethal Weapon 4 the year after that, no wonder Joe Pesci all but quit acting.

The funniest bit in the whole movie:
[Image: pesci.jpg]

Upgraded to HD.

bonus partmobiles:
[Image: bonus010607.jpg] [Image: bonus012430.jpg] [Image: bonus013012.jpg]

Baube QC

2025-03-22 09:40

humungus wrote
The funniest bit in the whole movie:
[Image: pesci.jpg]

probably Danny's 6-foot-something , 200-something pounds twin.. :D

humungus SI

2025-03-22 09:47

Baube wrote probably Danny's 6-foot-something , 200-something pounds twin.. :D

It's actualy Joe Pesci's character from Goodfellas, but it would've been even funnier if Pesci actually had a bodyguard by that name and this weren't a gag credit... :)

Baube QC

2025-03-22 10:39

ah.. didn't knew that.. the closest i've watch with a similar title is Goodfeathers.. :whistle:

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