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Fritt vilt II, Movie, 2008 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Lateef

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Also known as:

  • Cold Prey 2
  • Frit vildt II (Denmark)
  • Seytanin oteli 2 (Türkiye)

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Comments about this movie

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Lateef NO

2009-10-03 11:59

Question - how do I add IMDB link?

Tönz DE

2009-10-03 12:22

When you're logged in as an admin, there's a link next to the movie title: [Change IMDB number].
(The IMDB number is the part behind the 'tt' of the movie's IMDB URL:
In case of 'Fritt Vilt II' it's 1188990:

Welcome aboard btw... :)

vilero ES

2009-10-03 13:33 without 'tt' letters, only the numbers

To add AKAs, change in the url route or for . The AKAs alternative titles are showed (usually) in 'Aditional Details: Also Known As:'

-- Last edit: 2009-10-03 13:36:47

Lateef NO

2009-10-03 16:29

Thanks for the info.

atom SE

2009-10-03 16:53

You also find the akas if you follow the "more"-link next to the "Release Date".

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