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Modjo: Lady (Hear Me Tonight), Music Video, 2000 IMDB

Pictures provided by: MisterZ

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MisterZ AU

2014-10-11 07:11

blue_thunder AT

2015-11-26 20:06

Some background vehicles:

[Image: z1.85.jpg] [Image: z2.56.jpg] [Image: z4.36.jpg] [Image: z5.34.jpg] [Image: z7.20.jpg]

Gamer DE

2015-11-26 20:18

Great song.

philr CA

2018-01-17 07:32

I knew that song but I had no idea the music video was filmed near my hometown! Quite a few things have changed since year 2000! The Ford Ranger pictured above was apparently sold at "Savignac Plymouth Chrysler" in Joliette, a dealership that closed years ago (my father had bought his used 1991 Jetta at that dealership in 1994 and had the same sticker on his car!). The Chrysler Dynasty (it's not a Dodge...) has a dealership plate from the Pontiac Buick dealer either in Notre-Dame-Des-Prairies or at it's previous location in St-Gabriel, Lafrenière autos. Both are also closed, the Pontiac Buick dealership in Notre-Dame-Des-Prairies is now the location for the current Ford dealership and just a few hundred feet away from the motel also shown in this video. The garage where they get the Pontiac T-1000 is next to the high school in St-Félix-De-Valois. It looks like the scene at the bar was also filmed in St-Gabriel-de-Brandon.

Baube QC

2018-01-17 08:16

last thumb, gas at 81.9¢ / litre.. almost forgot it was once under a dollar..

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