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Terminator Genisys, Movie, 2015 IMDB

Pictures provided by: JB, AOLJU, CRAFT372, opal, Parrilex304

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Also known as:

  • Terminator 5
  • Terminator Génesis
  • Terminator: Genezis
  • Terminator: Genisys
  • Терминатор: Генезис
  • Терминатор: Генисис (Bulgaria)
  • O Exterminador do Futuro: Gênesis (Brazil)
  • 终结者:创世纪 (China)
  • Terminator - Genisys (Germany)
  • Terminaator: Genisys (Estonia)
  • Εξολοθρευτής: Γένεsys (Greece)
  • Εξολοθρευτής: Γένεσις (Greece)
  • 未來戰士: 創世智能 (Hong Kong SAR)
  • Terminátor: Gabben Genesys (Hungary)
  • Shlikhout katlanit: Genisys (Israel)
  • टर्मिनेटर: एक नयी शुरुआत (India)
  • Tâminêtâ: Shinkidou/Jenesisu (Japan)
  • ターミネーター:新起動 ジェニシス (Japan)
  • Terminatorius: Genisys (Lithuania)
  • Terminators: Genisys (Latvia)
  • Exterminador: Genisys (Portugal)
  • Терминатор: Генесис (Serbia)
  • Terminatör 5: Yeniden Doğuş (Türkiye)
  • 魔鬼終結者:創世契機 (Taiwan)
  • Термінатор: Генезис (Ukraine)
  • El exterminador: Génesis (Venezuela)
  • Kẻ Hủy Diệt: Thời Đại Genysis (Viet Nam)

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2014-12-04 20:40

The first trailer for the movie has just arrived and it looks freaking insane but it also gives way to much of the movie away so watch it at your own risc

karoomay SY

2014-12-04 21:49

Ugh, they are resetting the original timeline and trying to create a new story out of it which doesn't look promising. No thanks, I rather stick with the first two James Cameron films.

mike962 DE

2014-12-04 21:54

karoomay wrote Ugh, they are resetting the original timeline and trying to create a new story out of it which doesn't look promising. No thanks, I rather stick with the first two James Cameron films.

specially if you consider the original Skynet free future ending of T2


2014-12-05 14:50

There's something strange about the trailer: at the beginning, judging by the Dodge Monaco police car, the movie takes place in the 80's (like the first movie), but at the Golden Gate chase scene, the cars are from the 2000's :think:

-- Last edit: 2014-12-05 14:51:20

MisterZ AU

2014-12-07 03:59

@JB Why did you upload these captures in such an odd resolution? They should be 960 pixels wide, not 850.

SD = 720px
HD = 960px

850 makes no sense, because it's not one or the other.

-- Last edit: 2014-12-07 04:00:12

antp BE

2014-12-08 17:13

Maybe the video source he used wasn't really HD
It is just pics from the trailer, they'll be replaced later anyway...

GodzillaFan54 CA

2014-12-08 23:16

aolju wrote There's something strange about the trailer: at the beginning, judging by the Dodge Monaco police car, the movie takes place in the 80's (like the first movie), but at the Golden Gate chase scene, the cars are from the 2000's :think:

The Manaco may be a retired police car.

Gag Halfrunt UK

2014-12-08 23:47

The Monaco ties in with a scene in the first Terminator film.

MisterZ AU

2014-12-09 00:58

antp wrote Maybe the video source he used wasn't really HD
It is just pics from the trailer, they'll be replaced later anyway...

What I'm saying is, the trailer is in HD. If he used the HD trailer as his video source, then the images should be 960. If he used the SD trailer, they should be only 720.

Why would they be 850? This makes no sense. No video source would produce this resolution.

EDIT: Ok, I figured it out. Youtube's default window size is ~850 within the browser. So whether you watch SD or HD, it will be 850 unless you maximize it. With Youtube, it's best not to take screen captures this way. The way I do it is to download the file itself (usually in MP4 format) from Youtube in it's native resolution, then take captures that way. Much better result.

-- Last edit: 2014-12-09 06:47:03

antp BE

2014-12-09 17:43

Davez621 wrote The way I do it is to download the file itself (usually in MP4 format) from Youtube in it's native resolution, then take captures that way. Much better result.

Yes, that's what I always recommend to do too ;)

Nightrider RU

2014-12-11 14:46

Raped and rotten dead body of Terminator franchise, Never rest in peace.

mike962 DE

2014-12-11 15:26

Nightrider wrote Raped and rotten dead body of Terminator franchise, Never rest in peace.

I consider this the real ending of the franchise , everything after should be ignored...

police car fan NL

2014-12-13 13:30

[Image: snap2928.1.jpg]


2015-01-03 14:13

Gag Halfrunt wrote The Monaco ties in with a scene in the first Terminator film.

Yes, it does. It`s the car that chases John Connor at the beginning of the first film, and the scene is almost exactly repeated in the trailer, so the action supposedly takes place in the same time the first movie happened. But then, at the end of the trailer, 1990`s and 2000`s cars appear in the bridge... :wow:


2015-01-29 22:04

I am adding a Dodge Charger to the list because I just saw one in the Super Bowl spot for the movie

BrentMosher420 US

2015-07-03 08:28

Nightrider wrote Raped and rotten dead body of Terminator franchise, Never rest in peace.

Bit harsh, no?


2015-07-04 12:00

Genisys Does What Nintendon't :) :) :)


2015-07-05 12:15

For those who have seen the movie... how was it? I've been reading mixed reviews and, even if I know it won't be another T1 or T2 (something almost impossible, specially without Cameron), I was hoping it would be a decent Terminator movie (and not another Salvation).

karoomay SY

2015-07-20 01:31

I finally got a chance to see the movie and not surprisingly, I did not enjoy it. Although it wasn't as bad as T3 or Salvation, it was still a very bland, cliched, and overblown CGI fest of a predictable action sci-fi movie with a generic soundtrack that was not memorable compared to the first two Terminator films. The new actors portraying Kyle Reese, Sarah Conner and John Conner were annoying and unlikable. Jai Courtney as Kyle looked nothing like Michael Biehn nor was his portrayal anywhere near as badass as the original, but instead came off as very irritating and gave me the urge to smack him in the face. Although Emilia Clarke looked similar to Linda Hamilton, her performance as Sarah Connor did not quite match the original character but acted more like an obnoxious whiny teenage girl. Moving on to Jason Clarke as John Connor,
Spoiler - click here to see it
early on in the film, I knew he was going to turn out to be the Terminator villain since the buildup was so predictable and he just ended up being a typical dull, tiresome, cliched and forgettable.

Finally, as for Arnold Schwarzenegger returning as portraying the T-800 Terminator, clearly he is getting too old for this shit.

The only good thing about the movie was J.K. Simmons but he did not have much screen time.
It's obvious that, like the last 2 films, this movie was made solely for the purpose as an easy cash grab that is just rehashing old ideas. Alright, rant over.

-- Last edit: 2015-07-23 05:12:30

BrentMosher420 US

2015-07-21 06:07

aolju wrote For those who have seen the movie... how was it? I've been reading mixed reviews and, even if I know it won't be another T1 or T2 (something almost impossible, specially without Cameron), I was hoping it would be a decent Terminator movie (and not another Salvation).

I liked it, although it wasn't perfect either...

For example, the action was kind of tame compared to, say, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and this one definitely got a little to sappy and melodramatic in parts (although that's not to say T2 wasn't like that in parts...). I must confess that I didn't dislike Jai Courtney as much as everyone else seems to. Sure, he's no Michael Biehn, but I didn't find him all that annoying or douchey. Kind of bland and uninteresting, though. And I'm a little annoyed that they couldn't have found someone who at least RESEMBLES Michael Biehn... But oh well, he could have been worse.

As for my full list of likes and dislikes -

1: Arnold. He gave a good performance and was clearly enjoying himself. Old, but not obsolete... :king:
2: Jason Clarke
Spoiler - click here to see it
expressed his versatility in playing both a good guy and a bad guy, along with a very clever reference to T1 near the end.

3: They did a fantastic job of replicating the scenes from the 1st movie. I was genuinely convinced they used the same footage (until I realized that the punk leader wasn't Bill Paxton).
4: You could tell that the people behind this one actually liked and cared about Cameron's movies and their legacy, whearas Mostow admits to disliking T2, and Arnold wasn't even IN Salvation! :mad:
5: I like how they contrasted the "mega-happy" ending with a rather interesting post-credits twist.
6: Byung Hun-Lee did an excellent job of playing the T-1000, literally almost as good as Robert Patrick
7: On the whole, while not perfect, it was at least fun, and much better than the trailers make it look. Don't let them deceive you.


1: Emilia Clarke. She acted nothing like the Sarah Connor I remember, but rather like a bitchy hipster. Really didn't embody the spirit at all
2: Some of the CGI was pretty poor.
3: I guess some of it was just too stupid and sugar-coated, but I've seen far worse.
4: They blew up the Monaco, and also damaged the 280ZX, IIRC.
5: Not to sound overly-patriotic, but I found it kind of depressing that almost none of the actors were American.

Okay, so that's my review.

BrentMosher420 US

2015-07-21 13:29

Also, during the "Your clothes. Give them to me." scene there was what I first thought to be a Merkur XR4Ti. Now I'm leaning more twords a 1985-86 Ford Mustang or a 1984-86 Dodge Daytona/Chrysler Laser.

EDIT: The scene is on the Internet, if anyone wants to add the car I'm talking about.

-- Last edit: 2015-07-21 13:32:35

opal TH

2015-09-28 17:23

I'll add vehicles later on...

opal TH

2015-09-29 13:05

Movie complete
[Image: var.jpg] [Image: van.11.jpg] [Image: vsuv.jpg] [Image: v.5.jpg]

[Image: heli.12.jpg] [Image: heli2.9.jpg]


2015-09-29 17:34

Thanks Opal. Here is the IMPDB page :

-- Last edit: 2015-09-29 18:08:14

shlc647 US

2015-10-27 04:11

I still think the best one is Judgment Day.

mike962 DE

2016-04-09 21:13

Emilia Clarke as Sarah O'Connor was totally miscast, she looked like a underage girl next door who acted, really not convincing at all

they really needed to cast somebody more badass and older looking to resemble this

Link to ""

the only good think in this movie was ARNIE , he was the most entertaining part of it

-- Last edit: 2016-04-09 21:14:10

Nightrider RU

2018-12-09 21:55

There is exactly one scene which made some emotional impact on me. Guess which one.

Mat-101 EN

2019-01-29 23:14

Does anyone know what vehicle the Guardian is seen getting out of when he misses Kyle and Sarah on the bridge in 2017? It's half seen in the pic of the 1998 Ford Explorer. Thank you.

Nightrider RU

2019-02-23 18:23

Econoline? Vandura?

NitroPlus US

2019-07-04 22:28

This movie confuses me. Like, it retcons Rise of the Machines and Salvation, but then it's about time traveling to the future to meet a future John Connor despite Sarah not even giving birth yet? I dunno, this has far more confusing implications the more I think about it.

I'll give it this though, the action looks decent even if the CG looks like plastic most of the time. But hey, seeing Arnie in action is always good, right?

I dunno, this movie was just a mixed bag to me.

And I'm guessing the upcoming Dark Fate will turn out the same way.

Nightrider RU

2019-07-04 22:46

NitroPlus wrote This movie confuses me.

I dunno, this movie was just a mixed bag to me.

How do you think, why did Sarah lost her leather jacket in acid bath scene?)

NitroPlus US

2019-07-14 04:20

I dunno. How did she get the jacket in the first place?

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