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The Black Knight - Returns, Movie, 2009 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Jale

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Jale PL

2012-04-20 19:20

[Image: 6001.21.jpg]

karoomay SY

2012-04-20 19:35

Seriously, a Dark Knight rip off?!
[Image: facepalmxk.4493.jpg]

Jale PL

2012-04-20 19:42

Sort of...

Man with power and cheap rubber:

[Image: 6001.22.jpg]


Awful "movie"...

Lateef NO

2012-04-20 19:49

I'd bet the tin man from Wizard of Oz could kick his ass.

karoomay SY

2012-04-20 19:50


kudos SX

2012-04-20 19:53

[Image: 1018.gif]

Nightrider RU

2012-04-20 19:54

OMG. Cheap superherro movies still around?

rjluna2 US

2012-04-20 19:56

It sort of reminds me of old Japanese live action superheros from the 1960's :p

jettalover US

2012-04-21 02:51

When I saw the title I thought this was a sequel to the Martin Lawrence movie The Black Knight.

GodzillaFan54 CA

2019-11-11 21:53

I guess someone couldn't wait for The Dark Knight Rises

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