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The Naked Venus, Movie, 1959 IMDB

Pictures provided by: stronghold

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stronghold EN

2012-08-29 21:27

Some cars seen in Paris by night-
[Image: nakedvenus1.jpg] [Image: nakedvenus2.jpg] [Image: nakedvenus5.jpg]

for IMPDb-
[Image: nakedvenus6.jpg] [Image: nakedvenus7.jpg] [Image: nakedvenus8.jpg]
[Image: nakedvenus9.jpg] [Image: nakedvenus10.jpg]

[Image: nakedvenus28.jpg] [Image: nakedvenus29.jpg] [Image: nakedvenus30.jpg]
[Image: nakedvenus26.jpg]

..and finally IMTDb-
[Image: nakedvenus18.jpg]

sixcyl FR

2012-08-29 22:29

Does anybody knows what's going on with IMPDB? The site seems on permanent maintenance for a long time ago. I've sent a message to the support email box but no answer from Tleeg yet... :/

stronghold EN

2012-08-29 22:38

You would know more than us Jean-Marc, as you usually are the main person from the IMCDb putting pics onto the Plane database ;) (I hope it is all well though!)

Weasel1984 PL

2012-08-29 22:40

Some troubles with server. In case you haven't seen this topic yet:

rjluna2 US

2012-08-29 23:23

stronghold wrote @rjluna2-

Thanks :) The last thumbnail shows that was made in the late 1950's where the style was in the vogue.

My comments at Internet Movie Light Bulb Database.

sixcyl FR

2012-08-30 19:07

Thank's Michal, I didn't checked on the IMCDb forum. I've added a comment on the subject right now.

sixcyl FR

2012-09-23 10:30

Aircraft at:

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