
Last completed movie pages

Spider-Man, US Movie, 2002 IMDB

Pictures provided by: antp, der.krusche, tonkatracker, police car fan, Kartkidbut, CRAFT372

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Also known as:

  • El hombre araña
  • Homem-Aranha
  • Человек-паук
  • Спайдър-мен (Bulgaria)
  • O Homem-Aranha (Brazil)
  • Pavoučí Muž (Czechia or ex-Czechoslovakia)
  • Ämblikmees (Estonia)
  • Rajel al-ankaboot (Egypt)
  • Spider-Man - hämähäkkimies (Finland)
  • Spider-Man -Hämähäkkimies (Finland)
  • Σπάιντερμαν (Greece)
  • 蜘蛛俠 (Hong Kong SAR)
  • Čovjek-pauk (Croatia (Hrvatska))
  • Pókember (Hungary)
  • स्पाइडर-मैन (India)
  • Marde Ankabooti (Iran)
  • Köngulóarmaðurinn (Iceland)
  • スパイダーマン (Japan)
  • Žmogus voras (Lithuania)
  • Zirnekļcilvēks (Latvia)
  • Omul Păianjen (Romania)
  • Спајдермен (Serbia)
  • Spindelmannen (Sweden)
  • Pavúčí muž (Slovakia)
  • Örümcek Adam (Türkiye)
  • 蜘蛛人 (Taiwan)
  • Людина-павук (Ukraine)
  • Spiderman (USA)
  • O'rgimchak-odam (Uzbekistan)
  • Người Nhện (Viet Nam)

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Comments about this movie

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antp BE

2005-12-13 23:58

Lots of cars visible as drawing when Peter searches for a car:
[Image: journal5qz.3242.jpg]

sixcyl FR

2005-12-14 00:03

Une Healey pour moins de 4000$! une TR2 à 5000, une Guilia Junior à 3000! rêve :/

antp BE

2005-12-14 00:06

TR3, pas TR2 :D
Puis "needs restoration"... il faut se méfier :lol:

sixcyl FR

2005-12-14 01:31

Puis "needs restoration"... il faut se méfier toute façon avec une anglaise, c'est un pléonasme! :lol:

der.krusche AT

2006-11-22 21:14

[Image: wallxy2.7585.jpg]

not to be spotted, BUT ... a car ...

-- Last edit: 2006-11-22 21:16:27

der.krusche AT

2006-11-22 21:17

is this t-bird-phantasy the wet dream of youngsters who are going to marry?

[Image: tbirdxt0.4579.jpg]

Alexander DE

2006-11-22 22:33

der.krusche wrote [Image: wallxy2.7585.jpg]

not to be spotted, BUT ... a car ...

You can list it, its a Mini!

antp BE

2006-11-22 22:42

I am not sure it is worth listing it ;)

Alexander DE

2006-11-22 22:47

antp wrote I am not sure it is worth listing it ;)

I remember a few that were far more difficult to identify. And we have many cars listed where less is visible. So, why not? :)

antp BE

2006-11-22 22:55

It is not the difficult of identification (as you identified it) but the role in the movie. For 2-star or more it is worth adding cars that are not very visible, but when they have no role in the movie (and in this case the car isn't even itself in the movie) I do not see the point of listing it.

Alexander DE

2006-11-22 23:11

antp wrote It is not the difficult of identification (as you identified it) ...

... even I! :D

antp wrote ... I do not see the point of listing it.

It's a car. It's in a movie. Background car -- backgrounmd info. That's all, nothing more.

More interesting would be: who is that girl? ;)

antp BE

2006-11-22 23:29

Alexander wrote
... even I! :D

Well I wanted to say that the reason of listing a car is not based on how difficult/easy it is to identify it ;)

Alexander wrote
It's a car. It's in a movie. Background car -- backgrounmd info. That's all, nothing more.

But we can't list all background cars. If it is not visible for long time, not well visible or not rare, what is the reason of listing that one rather than another one? e.g. why not list the white Toyota on the Impala picture, the MPV on the Mustang picture, the Ford taxi on the Olds picture, etc.

-- Last edit: 2006-11-22 23:30:01

Alexander DE

2006-11-23 00:46

antp wrote Well I wanted to say that the reason of listing a car is not based on how difficult/easy it is to identify it ;) ...

I know, I am just teasing you! :D

antp wrote But we can't list all background cars. ...

No need to explain, I know your feelings about this subject. For me it is enough to have it in the comments, as we have it now. But that is probably true for half the one-star cars!

On the other hand I understand why even such cars find their way into the one-star category. For a real fan it is quite thrilling to see your beloved marque in a film, no matter how short. What would you have written had it been a De Lorean? Be honest! ;)

der.krusche AT

2006-11-23 07:57

>> For me it is enough to have it in the comments, as we have it now. <<
this is, how I understood it. not to be listed, but maybe interesting to be seen, should be put in the comment-line.


antp BE

2006-11-23 11:40

Alexander wrote What would you have written had it been a De Lorean? Be honest! ;)

If it was a DeLorean it would have fall in the "rare" category as mentionned in my previous message ;)
And, yes, several of the one-star cars of the site do not have really reasons of being listed (and I often post comments about that :D)

-- Last edit: 2006-11-23 11:41:04

elessar FR

2007-03-02 15:46

La meilleur adaptation Comic à ce jour!
Vivement le troisième!

Kooshmeister US

2011-08-07 22:53

AS355 Twin Squirrel from the 2001 teaser trailer:

[Image: spidermantwinsquirrel1.207.jpg][Image: spidermantwinsquirrel3.2449.jpg][Image: spidermantwinsquirrel4.1106.jpg]

police car fan NL

2013-06-16 16:31

[Image: snap1.11.jpg]

[Image: snap89.7.jpg]

Gamer DE

2013-08-19 16:04

Even though the movie was released six months after the WTC fell, the towers are still visible in a few shots. ;)

dogman15 US

2019-01-02 07:42

Which one is Uncle Ben's car?

night cub US

2019-01-02 08:41

His car was the director's Olds Delta 88:

johnfromstaffs EN

2019-01-02 13:03

dogman15 wrote Which one is Uncle Ben's car?

It’s the one with rice in the glovebox.


2019-02-26 00:28

I just replaced all of the images that had subtitles on them and the old picture of the school bus and I hope that they can be updated soon

-- Last edit: 2019-02-26 13:28:49

night cub US

2019-06-05 22:35

night cub wrote @Ben7777 - Please do not take existing pictures here to make new entries. They will be deleted.

Ben, please stop adding pictures that are not yours.

From Help/FAQ - "If a picture has several background cars visible, do not make a separate page for each one. Rather, make a page for one (or two, if interesting or well visible) and list the others in the comments for that page."

You have been warned!


2022-08-18 14:46

there is also a red BMW E36 sedan

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