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C.I.S. Chaoten im Sondereinsatz, Movie made for TV, 2010 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Robi

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Ingo DE

2010-05-12 15:12

The movie should be something like a German "Naked Gun"-parody or so. The original is much better...

Robi DE

2010-05-12 15:32

Of course the naked gun is better.
But I liked the guest-appearances that were featured, for example Ben and Semir from Alarm für Cobra 11.

Ingo DE

2010-05-12 15:46

robi wrote Of course the naked gun is better.
But I liked the guest-appearances that were featured, for example Ben and Semir from Alarm für Cobra 11.

See here: /vehicle_301222-BMW-330i-E90-2008.html
And their comment seconds before the crash "Hey, the first time, we made our job without smashing the car!"

Sure, the car-chase and crash is made from the same team. No wonder: filmed in Köln. and the faked plates are "Cobra", too.

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