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La corde raide, Movie, 1960 IMDB

Pictures provided by: sixcyl

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Also known as:

  • O dolofonos me to grizo ganti (Greece)
  • La corda tesa (Italy)
  • Lovers on a Tightrope (USA)

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Comments about this movie

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sixcyl FR

2011-11-24 20:40

[Image: 129834LACORDERAIDE.jpg]

Famous Annie Girardot who died few months ago.
[Image: 411489COMAA.jpg] [Image: 595993COMAC.jpg] [Image: 653539COMAD.jpg] [Image: 931300COMAE.jpg] [Image: 783439COMAF.jpg] [Image: 759815COMAG.jpg] [Image: 645757COMAJ.jpg] [Image: 387006COMAM.jpg] [Image: 965503COMAO.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2011-11-24 21:43:55

Andre Malraux

2011-11-24 20:49

deleted comment

sixcyl FR

2011-11-24 21:44

Oooopps! :D


2011-11-24 21:46

Without any aircraft?

sixcyl FR

2011-11-24 23:01

It's coming asap ;)

Gomselmash11 , do you want to help us posting films on Impdb ? :D

sixcyl FR

2011-11-24 23:27

For Gomselmash 11

Aircraft at:

Nice flipper board typical of the 50's... but still in service in the 70's (when I was at college ;) )
Bing bing flash flash bing flash bing bing twioo twioo trrrrrrr ting... shtung shtung....TILT!!!!!!!!!! :D


2011-11-25 04:53

LOL! thanks sixcyl, i trying to help to you and
Unfortunately, I could not register in and could not resolve the anti-spam question (about the Boeing family) :/
Here, i posted some contributions with an interesting quantity of aircraft, like here -> /movie.php?id=1004512685

-- Last edit: 2011-11-25 04:57:24

sixcyl FR

2011-11-25 08:11

Gomselmash11 wrote LOL! thanks sixcyl, i trying to help to you and
Unfortunately, I could not register in and could not resolve the anti-spam question (about the Boeing family) :/
Here, i posted some contributions with an interesting quantity of aircraft, like here -> /movie.php?id=1004512685

the answer to the anti-spam question is : 747 ;)
I've recorded on my disk all the interesting pictures you've posted on the film Alas Argentinas: Reflejo De Un Pais, and was willing to work on it within few days or weeks.... there is so much to do! I've got 400 films recorded from IMCB comments, ready to be posted at IMPDB. According to the minimum time of 15/20mm for editing a page, that should takes around 135 hours, be 5 and half day of "work" non stop!!!! :D

Welcome to the Stakhanovists of IMCDB/IMPDB! :lol:

-- Last edit: 2011-11-25 08:12:08


2011-11-25 16:50

Many thanks! now, i'm registered in!

Probably, i can upload the rest of the contributions and help us ;)

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