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Los 80, CL TV Series, 2008-2014 IMDB

Pictures provided by: VivaChile!, AndresRCH, agarranmesta, AndresChileno

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VivaChile! CL

2012-02-05 00:29

Chilean series from 2008, that for 4 seasons (and ongoing) has told the story of a typical family during the 80's. First season (2008) was set in 1982, second (2009) in 1983, third (2010) in 1985 and fourth (2011) in 1986.

Many of the cars I posted are shots from historical footage, hope that isn't a problem here.


2012-02-05 00:48

Qué tal es la serie?

VivaChile! CL

2012-02-05 14:03

Acá en Chile, todo mundo la encuentra muy buena. A mi también me gusta bastante, pero a veces me parece demasiado lenta y en extremo sentimental. Además en general siempre "todo termina bien", y estar consciente de eso le quita cierta emoción. Lo que sí, la producción es fantástica y creo que la actuación y las situaciones reflejan muy bien como era la gente en esa época y cómo hemos cambiado los chilenos hasta hoy.


2012-02-05 17:12

Ah bien. Recién veo los autos. Me interesaron muchos los Citroën, los Fiat, el 404 taxi (de Valparaíso?) y la R4. El resto... mejor olvidar.

VivaChile! CL

2012-02-05 19:16

Gomselmash11 wrote Ah bien. Recién veo los autos. Me interesaron muchos los Citroën, los Fiat, el 404 taxi (de Valparaíso?) y la R4. El resto... mejor olvidar.

El 404 es taxi de Santiago. La serie transcurre en la capital prácticamente todo el tiempo, y esa escena es en la casa de los protagonistas en Ñuñoa, Santiago.


2012-02-06 21:16

Ah bien, fijate que el Fiat 600, no es de Fiat-Concord, sino seguro fabricado allá en Chile.

jorgemena91 CL

2012-05-30 23:58

They forget this beautiful Citroen GS Club 1978
Link to ""

-- Last edit: 2012-05-31 00:09:42 (130rapid)

night cub US

2016-09-21 19:41

@AndresRCH - Do you have ratings for these entries?

AndresRCH CL

2016-09-21 20:26

Please explain to me , what I have been placing is what I have been reviewing the chapters on DVD, because I have the first three seasons

-- Last edit: 2016-09-21 20:27:12

night cub US

2016-09-21 22:39

AndresRCH wrote Please explain to me , what I have been placing is what I have been reviewing the chapters on DVD, because I have the first three seasons

What are the star (role) ratings for each car?

[*][*][*][*][*] The vehicle is part of the movie
[*][*][*][*] Vehicle used a lot by a main character or for a long time
[*][*][*] Vehicle used by a character or in a car chase
[*][*] Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene
[*] Background vehicle
?? Unknown vehicle role
- trailer Seen only in preview/trailer
- cut Seen only in deleted scenes
- alt.end. Seen only in an alternative ending
- extras Seen only in an extra DVD contents

AndresRCH CL

2016-09-22 01:08

ah,ok, now I will place the range, thanks :-)

chicomarx BE

2016-09-23 01:57

Very blurry background cars, which look like actual traffic, not much use in uploading those. Focus on cars with a role in the series. Thanks @AndresRCH

AndresRCH CL

2016-09-23 03:47

Ok, I try to find photos that look clearer, I need to review the other half of the second season and then I will begin to see the third

night cub US

2020-01-17 10:45

@AndresRCH - Black bars need to be cut off on the entry for the Chevy C-10

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