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Hadleigh, TV Series, 1969-1976 IMDB

Pictures provided by: dsl, Danzie

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dsl SX

2012-10-21 05:01

Yorkshire Television production over 4 series 1969-76. Posh landowner with lots of posh totty has various posh adventures and is incredibly irritating all the time. Popular in its day, but more dated now than a Bond Bug. Monteverdi and RR pictures taken from opening credits sequence of Series 1 & 2 - .

-- Last edit: 2012-10-23 01:18:21

dsl SX

2012-10-22 22:37

:) It was an accidental discovery - I was googling exploding Lynley Jensens without success but hit a blog which had the clip in because Clive James had described Hadleigh's car as a white Jensen. So I thought I'd better grab it somehow, and at the same time try the uploading system to see if I could get the hang of it, as I've a couple of projects in mind for if/when I get brave enough. No intention of pursuing Hadleigh any further (because I hated the series at the time and DVD box is £50-ish on Amazon), so it's open house if anyone else wants it. Lots of useful tips from everyone [Image: loki8.gif] but .

andrepa DE

2012-10-23 00:58

[Image: applause.gif]

tonyrome EN

2017-02-18 18:05

I will try to add all the cars from this show, in due course.

dsl SX

2017-02-18 18:19

Excellent news. I've occasionally come back to this and wondered whether to try to find it, but nothing emerged.

tonyrome EN

2017-03-05 22:42

dsl wrote ...and is incredibly irritating all the time.

Very true! I have also discovered that the copy I have is not of a high enough quality, so I may have to purchase the Network release to do this properly. However, considering the irritation level, I'm wondering whether to do so. Also, from what I have seen, it is more studio based and the Monteverdi only makes a few fleeting appearances in a couple of episodes of a single series, which is rather disappointing.

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