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Kampfgeschwader Lützow, Movie, 1941 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Jale, Pibwl

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Also known as:

  • Battle Squadron Lützow
  • Taistelulaivue Lützow (Finland)
  • Escadrille de bombardement Lützow (France)
  • Luchteskader Lützow (Netherlands)
  • Bombeskader Lützow (Sweden)

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Comments about this movie

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Jale PL

2011-04-03 11:06

[Image: 296882-4001.jpg]

Weasel1984 PL

2011-04-03 16:06

I'm wondering how the hell such film has so high rank at the IMDb...

Jale PL

2011-04-03 16:21

Yes, it's awfully naive and very propagandist (for the Poles - simply unbearable), but as the movie (plot, action, etc) is quite good.

cl82 DE

2011-04-04 00:58

Really? In Germany, this film is nowadays rated as "Vorbehaltsfilm" which means it won't be broadcasted or shown to the public anymore due to its war-gloryfying, racist, antisemitic contents.

Jale PL

2011-04-04 01:20

Oh, yes, it is war-gloryfing (frankly - some russian movies are similar, and are not forbidden) and racist, but antisemic - I don't really know (my german is poor ;)

cl82 DE

2011-04-04 01:44

Sorry, this misunderstanding was my fault. Antisemitism is just one particular trait of the "Vorbehaltsfilm"-genre in general. "Vorbehaltsfilm" is just a generic term for all Nazi-propaganda-movies made between 1933-45. It's sufficient if just one of the mentioned criterias(glorification of war/racism/antisemitism/over-the-top-patriotism) is fulfilled- then the movie is automatically rated as "Vorbehaltsfilm. I know about some of the Soviet movies you mentioned, but believe me, their strong patriotism is harmless compared to the worldview depicted in many NS-movies.

Jale PL

2011-04-04 02:08

Ah, yes, I see the list of this films:

"K L" is rated as "Nationalsozialistischer Kriegsfilm".


2015-09-07 23:27

And what about some US movies about Japanese in 1942 ???
Well ! ... May people be better than their grand parents !
About aircraft, this page has be done :ützow

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