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Voice Over, Movie, 1982 IMDB

Pictures provided by: humungus

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humungus SI

2023-08-08 22:40

[Image: voiceover1983title.jpg]

One of the oddest movies I've ever seen (and I've seen Zardoz). Trainspotting may take the cake as far as the grossest toilet shown on film is concerned, but for my money this movie wins for the ghastliness of all of its sets, with the main character's apartment the runaway winner of the lot. Good grief!

There's a long sequence where the main character drives along a dark street past several parked cars, but I thought they were too dark and grainy. This is arguably the most visible sample of the lot:
[Image: voiceover1983bg00003430.jpg]

Other background stuff:
[Image: voiceover1983bg00000317.jpg] [Image: voiceover1983bg00013530.jpg] [Image: voiceover1983bg00013555.jpg]

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