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Vivre ensemble, Movie, 1973 IMDB

Pictures provided by: 50sParis

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Also known as:

  • Zyc razem (Poland)
  • Living Together (United Kingdom)

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50sParis NL

2019-12-17 03:15

RIP Anna Karina

So many things can be said about her life of course. Terrible childhood in Denmark, coming to Paris as a teenager hoping for the best. Living on the streets. Being asked to model as she was sitting on the terrace of Les Deux Magots. Meeting Coco Chanel, meeting Godard ... the rest is history. With her death the cinema has not only lost a great and naturally talented actress, but also a very kind and humble human being. To me, we've lost the face of the Nouvelle Vague; the genre so dear to my heart, and to hers. It was the cinema that kept her going after her failed suicide attempt in the early '60s.

I actually didn't know until recently, but she also directed a movie in the early 70's, this one here: "Vivre ensemble". Filmed in Paris and New York, starring herself and Michel Lancelot in a troublesome relationship. A light movie with a rather empty storyline that will easily be forgotten as it falls short in many ways. But it doesn't matter really. There's a scene with Anna Karina on a terrace in Paris, at a demonstration in Central Park, walking the streets of New York ... She's now gone, yet will always be very much alive.

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chicomarx BE

2019-12-17 03:43

Nice addition, 50sParis... To me 'Vivre sa vie' featured her best, perfect nouvelle vague film, from her time married to J-L Godard, who I'm sure was impossible to live with.

night cub US

2019-12-17 04:55

Looks like it was filmed in NYC and France (just saw that 50sParis said this already!):

Link to ""

-- Last edit: 2019-12-17 04:56:06

sixcyl FR

2020-12-22 20:34

Thanks for this contribution 50sParis...

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