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Hollow Man, Movie, 2000 IMDB

Pictures provided by: JB, mok, humungus

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Also known as:

  • Njeriu i Padukshëm (Albania)
  • El hombre sin sombra (Argentina)
  • Човек без Сянка (Bulgaria)
  • O Homem sem Sombra (Brazil)
  • 透明人 (China)
  • Muž bez stínu (Czechia or ex-Czechoslovakia)
  • Hollow Man - Unsichtbare Gefahr (Germany)
  • Mees ilma varjuta (Estonia)
  • El Hombre Sin Sombra (Spain)
  • L'home sense ombra (Spain)
  • Hollow Man - Mies ilman varjoa (Finland)
  • Hollow Man : L'Homme sans ombre (France)
  • Aorato aggigma (Greece)
  • Αόρατο άγγιγμα (Greece)
  • 透明人魔 (Hong Kong SAR)
  • Čovjek bez tijela (Croatia (Hrvatska))
  • Árnyék nélkül (Hungary)
  • अनहोनी (India)
  • L'uomo senza ombra (Italy)
  • Invisible (Japan)
  • インビジブル (Japan)
  • Nematomas žmogus (Lithuania)
  • Człowiek widmo (Poland)
  • O Homem Transparente (Portugal)
  • Omul invizibil (Romania)
  • Невидимка (Russia)
  • Mož brez telesa (Slovenia)
  • Görünmeyen Tehlike (Türkiye)
  • Людина-невидимка (Ukraine)

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Comments about this movie

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walter IT

2017-08-02 21:06

It doesn't look HD, really... I'll resize the new vehicles but leave the current ones, they're definitely sharper.

-- Last edit: 2017-08-02 21:13:08

mok HK

2017-08-03 05:29

Oops...... :wow:

mike962 DE

2024-11-09 14:08

:hello: humungus

bad movie again, legendary director Paul Verhoeven but he disowns it "Verhoeven was not happy with the movie. In 2013, he told The Hollywood Reporter: I decided after Hollow Man, this is a movie, the first movie that I made that I thought I should not have made. It made money and this and that, but it really is not me anymore"

-- Last edit: 2024-11-09 14:09:35

humungus SI

2024-11-09 16:14

Only if HD isn't blurrier than current pics. :D

humungus SI

2024-11-11 20:06

[Image: hollowman2000directorscuttitle.jpg]

This has to be the least convincing team of scientists I've ever seen in a movie. An awfully miscast movie from top to bottom, including Kevin Bacon who looked like a maniacal serial killer from the get-go. It has to be one of his worst performances. Terrific special effects, but a very bad movie, indeed, basically a dead dumb teenagers movie, only without teenagers, which makes it even worse. At least you expect dumb teenagers to do dumb things... But if this is a movie without which Verhoeven would not have made Zwartboek, I guess it was worth it.

Pics replaced with proper HD pics.

A bonus blurry Mercedes and a microscopic motorhome type thing:
[Image: bonus005659.jpg] [Image: bonus015152.jpg] > [Image: bonus015152-copy.jpg]

mike962 DE

2024-11-11 20:09

^ from the director who did 3 of the very best R-rated action sci-fi movies ever made

- Robocop (1987)
- Total Recall (1990) his best IMO , also one of Arnie's best
- Starship Troopers (1997)

yeah no wonder he disowns it

-- Last edit: 2024-11-11 20:11:19

humungus SI

2024-11-11 20:39

Apparently he felt 20 other Hollywood directors could've made exactly the same movie, there was nothing of him in it. Perhaps. There's only so much you can do with a dumb script and a terrible cast.

I haven't seen "Starship Troopers" yet (it's on my list), but the other two are indeed damn good. At least, they were when I last saw them eons ago. :D

mike962 DE

2024-11-11 20:44

Starship Troopers masquerades as dumb action flick but you see a lot of subtle hints and subtext , maybe not as good as the other 2 but also very good and Dina Meyer a real hottie in it :D

Total Recall yeah should be revisited, sucks the latest remaster they added shitty teal tint over it [:kiki]

pay attention what lab technician says at Rekall and you get the answer if it was real or just what Quaid paid for :)

-- Last edit: 2024-11-11 20:45:47

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