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Bi xie lan tian, Movie, 1998 IMDB

Pictures provided by: BeanBandit, stronghold, badlymad

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Also known as:

  • Doble mortal 2 (Spain)
  • Meltdown 2 (Italy)
  • The Black Sheep Affair (United Kingdom)
  • Another Meltdown (USA)

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Comments about this movie

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BeanBandit FI

2006-10-23 02:08

The movie is set on fictional former Soviet state Lavernia, but in reality it is filmed in Budapest.
Scene from train station.
[Image: junaoo1.8942.jpg]
[Image: metroll8.7506.jpg]

Hiergehts CH

2006-10-23 09:24

[quote=BeanBandit]The movie is set on fictional former Soviet state Lavernia, but in reality it is filmed in Budapest.
Scene from train station.

Lavernia..? did they maybe mean Latvia?

stronghold EN

2009-02-08 08:49


Ingo DE

2009-02-08 12:02

BeanBandit wrote The movie is set on fictional former Soviet state Lavernia, but in reality it is filmed in Budapest.

ah, so this is the reason, why all license-plates have an added "L".

Gag Halfrunt UK

2009-02-08 12:12

The L is just a sticker covering the flag and H on real Hungarian plates.

badlymad CA

2013-01-28 05:47

Replaced most of the pictures with higher-quality screencaps from the DVD.

galloper KR

2013-05-24 13:49

Any Chase and Crashes?

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