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Tsatsiki, morsan och polisen, Movie, 1999 IMDB

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Also known as:

  • Tsatsiki, maminka a policajt (Czechia or ex-Czechoslovakia)
  • Tsatsiki - Tintenfische und erste Küsse (Germany)
  • Tsatsiki, moren og politimanden (Denmark)
  • Tsatsiki, mutsi ja poliisi (Finland)
  • Les aventures de Tsatsiki (France)
  • Un sogno realizzato (Italy)
  • Tsatsiki (Netherlands)

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Comments about this movie

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atom SE

2008-05-23 23:50

Finally I found this movie, not very good movie if you ask me but since I appear in it I thought I should add it. The arrows show me :p
The location is my old school.
[Image: atom1cf3.4531.jpg] [Image: atom2wr5.3917.jpg]

[Image: vlcsnap10204411ef8.4595.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2008-05-23 23:53:33

CarChasesFanatic ES

2008-05-23 23:53

:lol: great Atom how did you know you were in it? :p

atom SE

2008-05-23 23:58

All kids on the school were asked to be backgroundpeaople.

We were all put on a speciall mark that we couldn't leave, so I remeberd well were I was in the movie :p

CarChasesFanatic ES

2008-05-24 00:04

Funny, and you hadnt seen the movie again since 1999?

sixcyl FR

2008-05-24 00:04

atom wrote Finally I found this movie, not very good movie if you ask me but since I appear in it I thought I should add it.

Good film, or not good film... that is not an important criterion on IMCDB :D ... of course for who watch at the film and capture pictures then it does have some importance :D
Here , I'm sure you've enjoyed to watch at it :) ... and cars are not so boring (the greek bus for instance )

atom SE

2008-05-24 00:15

I add all movies that I could find ofc, but it was some more work to find this movie, I had to buy it from an auctionsite.

@CCF I think we got free tickets to the premier and after that I think I have seen it once or twice, but it was some years ago.

CarChasesFanatic ES

2008-05-24 00:18

Hehe nice anecdote ;)

antp BE

2008-05-24 09:29

For imcdb members, the ultimate aim would be to have his car seen in a movie :D

Ingo DE

2013-01-07 22:48

atom wrote We were all put on a speciall mark that we couldn't leave, so I remeberd well were I was in the movie :p

So as :D The whole place is full with marks, as you can see here: - but there are some tramped chewing gums among them.

DidierF FR

2015-10-01 22:54

antp wrote For imcdb members, the ultimate aim would be to have his car seen in a movie

Hey! ♪ Ain't got no car, and you're breaking my heart!…

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