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km/h, CA TV Series, 1998-2006 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Baube

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Baube QC

2019-08-16 08:49

TV Series about the professional and personnal life of an automobile journalist
Has a imdb number but they are totally out of it ( missing half of the series, wrong end date, etc )
Will had cars at a turtle pace, there is 8 seasons of 20-something episodes each ( but there is less cars in the last seasons )
[Image: titre101.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2019-08-16 08:54:23

Baube QC

2019-08-30 07:40

a few vehicles have black bars , they were like this in the screen, like the image was taken from an old amateur film ( they all appear in the intro )
btw.. how vehicles in intro are rated ? 1-star ? preview/trailer ? in comments ?

-- Last edit: 2019-08-30 07:53:10

Baube QC

2019-12-06 02:44

season 1 done

blurry, partial , too small & all other reasons..

[Image: 5thavenue3103.jpg] [Image: jcar103.jpg] [Image: jcar2103.jpg] [Image: bonneville105.jpg] [Image: corolla101.jpg]
[Image: rabbit103.jpg] [Image: stude101.jpg] [Image: cordoba101.jpg] [Image: sidekick2107.jpg] [Image: saipa101.jpg]
[Image: saipaa101.jpg] [Image: proteg101.jpg]
Pinto ?
[Image: pinto101.jpg]
one for Reg
[Image: olds98101.jpg]

[Image: modeles.jpg] [Image: ferrari104.jpg] [Image: xj220116.jpg]
old technology ( i think its a VHS tape rewinder shaped like a car )
[Image: dekessay.jpg]

car fashion
[Image: bagnoles121.jpg]

automobile art ( well, posters too... ) including the mythic 959
[Image: williams109.jpg] [Image: 959101.jpg] [Image: cuda.jpg]

misadventures of a Porsche Boxster are also related in 1.09 ( gets scratched, gets its wheels stolen and gets repainted in the wrong color in 3 separate incidents ) but there is no visual depiction of it

-- Last edit: 2020-07-26 09:17:51

Baube QC

2020-07-26 09:02

finished season 2

might be too small 1991-1992 Pontiac Firebird ( bigger version on the BMW's page but also less visible )
[Image: firebird209.jpg]

really obstructed VW Fox in 2.17
[Image: fox217.jpg]

moped ? not even sure if visible enough to have a page.. or if it deserves one
[Image: becyk220.jpg]

Baube QC

2020-09-18 05:42

unknown to me.. suspecting Studebaker but somehow feeling like scoring in my own goal..
[Image: inconnu31.jpg]

part of the intro for season 3 ( all cars in the intro are into a frame, like they were pics

3.03 has a 1992-1995 Pontiac Grand Am in it but no really good views
[Image: grandam33.jpg] [Image: grandam133.jpg]

3.05 2-stars but only view
[Image: inconnu35.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2020-09-18 06:01:24

Baube QC

2020-09-19 06:37

it flies but not sure it qualifies for impdb .. :D
[Image: navette311.jpg]

Baube QC

2021-02-06 06:59

3.13 vehicles.. is any of the two good enough for a page ?
[Image: contour313.jpg]
[Image: sportage313.jpg]
[Image: sportage1313.jpg]

missing 3.21 ( 2-part episode ) available but there is two huge black bars, like the filmed his TV or .. well, i just don't know why they're there..
no cars in 3.16 , 1998-2000 Corolla barely visible in 3.14

-- Last edit: 2021-02-06 08:16:53

Baube QC

2021-03-12 03:18

sadly no way to get a good shot.. either too far, gets opening credits all over it or have to slice the front end due to the YT's bar..
[Image: conv419.jpg]

Title for the 4.19/20 episode ( in two parts ) depicting what the show would look like if it had been filmed in the 50's , called Mille à l'heure ( mph ) for the special
[Image: mph419.jpg]

VW Jetta seen in 4.06 .. good enough for a page ?
[Image: jetta1406.jpg] [Image: jetta2406.jpg] [Image: jetta3406.jpg] [Image: jetta406.jpg]

Taurus Wagon in 4.05 ( 2-stars )
[Image: taurus4405.jpg] [Image: taurus405.jpg] [Image: taurus3405.jpg] [Image: taurus5405.jpg]

Tercel in 4.07 ( don't know if its good enough for a page so i'm parking it here for now
[Image: tercel407.jpg] [Image: tercel1407.jpg]

unknown wagon in 4.12
[Image: wagon412.jpg]

more vehicle-inspired clothing
[Image: van407.jpg]

no cars in 4.01,02,04,09,15,18

Baube QC

2021-06-23 05:13

no cars in 5.02 , 12 , 16 , 19 and 20 , not really worth glimpse of what seems to be a 1998 Corolla in 5.13 and a Chrysler Sebring in 5.10
found the reason why, as a Penguins fan i like the show so much .. :lol:

[Image: gen156.jpg]
( yeah, i know, its very likely to be another one than the 66 himself .. )

gas price in 2002
[Image: gas510.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2021-06-23 08:55:16

Baube QC

2021-06-23 08:36

unknown bike in 5.15
[Image: becyk515.jpg]

Baube QC

2021-06-28 09:22

no cars in 6.03,5,6,10-12 , 14-20 ( but there is is glimpses of a 1999+ VW Golf in 6.17 )
there is that thing in 6.03
[Image: moby36.jpg]

episode 19/20 are a 2-part episode that is set in the Roman Empire
[Image: titre196.jpg]
( opening credits also shows the actors as statues instead of the regular opening )

Germain still is a mechanic... kind of
[Image: char196.jpg] [Image: char1196.jpg]

Proof that the Boston Bruins are the oldest sports team in history, they were already selling gear in the Roman Empire .. :D
[Image: bruins196.jpg]

Pierre Houde and .... well, i never know the one with glasses name , who are F1 commentator ( for Houde ) and analyst ( the other guy ) on RDS ( Pierre Houde is also the play-by-play commentator for the Montreal Canadiens games when they're aired on RDS )
[Image: houde206.jpg]

Our European members will recognize those two.. as well as other Québec ones
[Image: asterix206.jpg]
( Yeah, you can't do a Roman Empire special without Asterix and Obelix... :D )

-- Last edit: 2021-06-28 09:25:17

Baube QC

2021-07-03 09:47

Lamborghini Diablo pic ( or poster ? ) in 7.16
[Image: diablo167.jpg]
2-star Maxima in 8.06 but probably not good enough for a page
[Image: maxima68.jpg]
not sure why but there is a Ford grille in 8.05
[Image: grileford58.jpg]

season 7 : no cars in episodes 1,2,11,13,14,17,20
season 8 : no cars in episodes 4,6,7,9,10,12,13,16-18,20
episode 8.07 is about a fictional car called " Phosphore " but we never get to see what it looks like ( Phosphore's manufacturer also builds a minivan that we never see )

Series complete

Baube QC

2021-07-03 22:28

forgot : missing episode 7.04

prior to the 1st episode to be aired, TVA ( which originally aired the show ) had a teaser for the series in which we could see Michel Barrette's 1997 Plymouth Prowler ... but i can't find it

Baube QC

2021-07-07 08:38

as i said before, series complete ( i tried to find 7.04 before adding it to complete list but couldn't find it )

PMEntertainmentLives QC

2021-07-07 08:54

Absolutely love this bit from the series when two characters are talking about the origins of certain names:
- Do you know what Pontiac is from?
- Yeah... GM.
- No! It was the name of a great Indian chief.
- Are you kidding me? What kind of stupid parents would give their child the name of a car?!

-- Last edit: 2021-07-07 08:54:53

Baube QC

2021-07-07 08:57


well, there is some girls named Sierra, Sienna... :D

Nick Rynearson US

2021-07-07 09:08

Baube wrote :lol:

well, there is some girls named Sierra, Sienna... :D

I knew a kid name Dodge, he had a pretty bad homelife

Baube QC

2021-07-07 09:23

a long time ago at the Montréal Auto Show , Toyota were giving some brochure that was meant to look like a newspaper with people giving there impressions about their Toyota . In one of those texts there was someone who told that they named their girl Sienna as they couldn't make it on time to the hospital and she was born in one !

good thing it wasn't a 4Runner... :whistle:

-- Last edit: 2021-07-07 09:24:14

Corkeyandpals US

2024-10-29 15:41

Aircraft at:

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