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Osmosis Jones, Movie, 2001 IMDB

Pictures provided by: no_car, Gamer

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Also known as:

  • Осмозис Джоунс (Bulgaria)
  • Osmose Jones (Brazil)
  • Agent Bílá krvinka (Czechia or ex-Czechoslovakia)
  • Ozmózis Jones - A belügyi nyomozó (Hungary)
  • ऑस्मोसिस जोन्स (India)
  • Bakuteria uôzu (Japan)
  • バクテリア・ウォーズ (Japan)
  • Osmosas Džonsas (Lithuania)
  • Osmoza Džons (Serbia)
  • Осмосис Джонс (Russia)
  • 捍胃戰士 (Taiwan)
  • Осмозіс Джонс (Ukraine)

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Comments about this movie

See all comments about this movie and its vehicles


antp BE

2006-06-22 20:31

Isn't this one supposed to be an animation movie? :??:

no_car EE

2006-06-22 20:38

It's animation and movie mix :) Half animation, half "real" movie.
[Image: bscap00002jt.9322.jpg]

Gamer DE

2014-12-22 21:27

HD upgrade complete.
[Image: oj.jpg]

I decided to leave out most of the animated cars.

Abandoned car for ingo:
[Image: jcfi.jpg]

For reasons unknown, Pikachu makes a cameo in this movie:
[Image: pikachu.jpg]

Osmosis' car [*] [*] [*]
[Image: hemi.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2014-12-22 21:28:51

Gamer DE

2014-12-23 14:59

That Corvette was more than obvious! Why was it deleted?

Lateef NO

2014-12-23 15:11

If this was kept, then the Corvette should've been kept as well, indeed. But I honestly wouldn't list any of these animated vehicles, they have tentacles for wheels.

-- Last edit: 2014-12-23 15:13:11

Gamer DE

2014-12-23 15:16

We have much more extreme cases

Powerful US

2016-06-02 05:39

Osmosis Jones's car appears to be a 1958 Lincoln coupe to me, possibly the Capri/Primiere.

train68 US

2017-08-17 20:01

Inside Out was much more charming and less disgusting than this film.

dhill_cb7 US

2023-07-30 09:37

[*][*] ambulance without a cab shot.
[Image: i767323.jpg]

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