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2012: Ice Age, Movie, 2011 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Boogieman, Parrilex304

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Also known as:

  • 2012: I apolyti katastrofi (Greece)
  • Zlodowacenie (Poland)

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Comments about this movie

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boogieman US

2011-09-06 23:06

My first movie uploaded since becoming an Admin, and It has to be a crappy movie by The Asylum. haha

Comes with the usual crappy computer animation:
[Image: anmated.jpg]

A 1* car I left out, due to it being so blurry:
[Image: Blacksdn_1star.jpg]

A couple of airplanes in this movie:

Small 3* plane:
[Image: plane3.jpg][Image: Plane2-1.jpg]

3* F-16s:
[Image: F16_1.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2011-09-06 23:12:11

Pokeoddsponge US

2011-09-07 02:36

Those planes aren't F-16s. I'm not sure which one they are but I know the F-16 only has 1 exhaust and those have 2.

Ford_Guy US

2011-09-07 05:40

Those are F-15s.

boogieman US

2011-09-07 06:17

Oops. Sorry! One of the main characters said what they were, But I probably mistook 16s for 15s.

sixcyl FR

2011-09-07 19:09

sixcyl FR

2011-09-07 19:10

sixcyl FR

2011-09-07 19:11

night cub US

2023-01-26 22:52

Some pictures were just added. I left out the "Made for" line because I'm not sure. The only filming locations listed are LA and Southern California and some of the snow shots do not look like Los Angeles.

Baube QC

2023-01-26 22:59

do this include a squirrel-like creature that triggers another catastrophic event ? .. :D

GodzillaFan54 CA

2023-01-26 23:34

Nope, it's actually about your average Canadian winter :D

Baube QC

2023-01-27 00:13

every winter is a catastrophic event to me.. ;)

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