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Shellarama, Documentary, 1965 IMDB

Pictures provided by: dsl

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jcb UK

2014-08-12 16:44

Nice find , bit short on British trucks but hey ho :)

dsl SX

2014-08-12 17:36

[Image: title.64.jpg] [Image: title2.20.jpg]
"A celebration of Shell Petroleum, tracing its manufacture from discovery in oil fields to its eventual use as fuel for modern living across the globe."
"Super Technirama, colour and a Johnny Scott score conspire to create a wordless visual feast, considered 'a Night Mail for the post-war boom' by Patrick Russell"

Basically there's a strange black gunk in the ground which men with white coats, spectacles, and bunsen burners can transform into a magic liquid. Only 15 minutes long, with this Landie the only vehicle in the first 6 minutes
[Image: 03-03landie.jpg]
but then it explodes into vehicular life.

Various big views - if you spot anything interesting .....

[Image: picture2.1.jpg] [Image: picture2a.jpg]

[Image: picture3.1.jpg] [Image: picture3a.jpg]

[Image: picture4.jpg]

[Image: picture507-53.jpg] [Image: picture507-53astingray.jpg]

[Image: picture507-53b.jpg]
(the camera seems to be tracking a silver Sting Ray coupe)

[Image: picture612-43.jpg]

ElSaxo IT

2014-08-12 17:42

dsl wrote [Image: picture612-43.jpg]

Just some weeks ago, Shell has closed his filling station network in Italy and is selling it to the best bidder...

So much for the petrol cartels!

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