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The Invergordon Smelter, UK Documentary, 1972 IMDB

Pictures provided by: kudos, dsl

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cl82 DE

2014-09-27 01:30 mentioned in this wikipedia-article:

dsl SX

2018-02-02 02:18

[Image: title.457.jpg] [Image: titleb.73.jpg]

Upgraded from DVD copy on
[Image: covercompx3.1.jpg]
"Young in Heart: Scottish industry in action" single DVD released by National Library of Scotland in 2009. Can be seen here.

Film covers construction from 1968 to opening in 1971. However it only stayed open for 10 years until 1981 - "Thatcher's legacy - Easter Ross "still not recovered" from smelter closure". Mostly now demolished, with part used as an oil rig decommisioning facility.

Everything replaced on like-for-like, some new entries and comments pictures.

- Mk1 Mini Countryman at the demolished farmhouse which stood in the centre of what became the smelter
[Image: r00-42farm.jpg]

- an unusual Bedford TK something as the commentary talks about concrete
[Image: r02-40tk.jpg]

- three assorted cranes - not enough jibs to deserve pages :whistle:
[Image: r02-50stuff.jpg] [Image: r05-51crane.jpg]

[Image: r06-24crane.jpg]

Plane for impdb
[Image: planeb.26.jpg] [Image: plane.65.jpg]

[Image: planec.27.jpg]

sixcyl FR

2018-02-02 22:07

dsl wrote Plane for impdb



2018-02-02 23:15

Your wish is satisfied, dear dsl !

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