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Одна на миллион (One in a Million), RU Movie, 1992 IMDB

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Also known as:

  • Odna na million (transliterated)

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Gamer DE

2018-02-19 12:56

Some nice race footage here, partially from a stock car race, as well as footage of a rally, probably the 1991 Rally Australia.

Background vehicles:
[Image: sunnyzaz.jpg] [Image: vazrace.jpg]

...and a nice Visa:
[Image: nicevisa.jpg]

Car ad on a magazine - was "Intex" the service for Western cars in the USSR? (it was Genex in the GDR and Tuvex in Czechoslovakia)
[Image: redhatchback.1.jpg]

There were also a 2107 and a 2141 in the race, but they weren't seen well enough:
[Image: 2107.jpg] [Image: race2107.jpg] [Image: vaz2107pack.jpg] [Image: hoodopen.jpg]

[Image: collage.jpg]

AEC Routemaster, or a Dennis? :lol:
[Image: routemaster.jpg]

Cocker for jfs:
[Image: cocker.jpg] [Image: puppyeyes.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2018-02-19 14:23:05

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