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Buena Vista Social Club, Movie, 1999 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Bob Dieck, Sixcyl

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Also known as:

  • Клуб Буена Виста (Bulgaria)
  • 乐士浮生录 (China)
  • 乐满哈瓦那 (China)
  • 博伟俱乐部 (China)
  • 樂滿夏灣拿 (Hong Kong SAR)
  • ブエナ・ビスタ・ソシアル・クラブ (Japan)
  • Клуб Буэна Виста (Russia)
  • 樂士浮生錄 (Taiwan)
  • Câu lạc bộ xã hội Buena Vista (Viet Nam)

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Comments about this movie

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sixcyl FR

2006-03-02 20:53

Salsa !... Salsa de Cuba!

Very nice film... there are some cars missing if I remember (Lada, buses? etc....)

CarChasesFanatic ES

2006-05-27 11:51

Do you know spanish sixcyl? :D

antp BE

2006-05-27 15:07

sixcyl >> c'est toi qui a ajouté des images ? Pourquoi ne pas avoir complété les rôles des véhicules existants ?

sixcyl FR

2006-05-28 08:33

antp wrote sixcyl >> c'est toi qui a ajouté des images ? Pourquoi ne pas avoir complété les rôles des véhicules existants ?

...comme ils étaient existants, je n'ai pas fait attention à ce détail... boulot fait à moitié par notre ami Bob Dieck :D complète.

sixcyl FR

2006-05-28 09:03

carchasesfanatic wrote Do you know spanish sixcyl? :D

... unfortunately, I learned it for 2 years, but I didn't work it and I stopped ... I really regreat that, and always feel angry against me to be obliged to speak english with spannish people :mad:

CarChasesFanatic ES

2006-05-28 13:14

hehe, well as i know lot of people that study this language say that spanish is very difficult to learn because its got lots of verb tenses, anyway you are always on time to restart it :D

sixcyl FR

2006-05-28 22:24

carchasesfanatic wrote hehe, well as i know lot of people that study this language say that spanish is very difficult to learn because its got lots of verb tenses, anyway you are always on time to restart it :D

... Spannish is not so easy indeed, but I was too lazy at this time for it (shame on me)... now , I'd love to learn it again... but I miss time (...maybe if I'd meet a pretty spannish girl? ;) )

Bob Dieck BR

2006-07-06 20:20

I am sorry, antp, I often forget to add the car roles.

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