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New Best Friend, Movie, 2002 IMDB

Pictures provided by: ahight

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Also known as:

  • Amitié dangereuse (France)

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ahight US

2007-08-24 04:28

Bunch of scenes around Wilmington.
Inside Barbary Coast bar, Cape Fear Memorial Bridge, Fountain behind Federal Courthouse (where Matlock also filmed), Restaurant at corner of Front & Chestnut (same intersection as /vehicle_118928-Volkswagen-Karmann-Ghia-Typ-14-1970.html), Silver Bullet, used to be a building at N. end of Carolina Beach boardwalk
[Image: wilmbarbarycoastgb3.2081.jpg] [Image: wilmcapefearbridgece0.2323.jpg] [Image: wilmfountain3aj6.3059.jpg] [Image: wilmfrontstrestaruantwm5.7144.jpg] [Image: wilmsilverbullitxm9.4963.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2007-08-24 04:29:20

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